Part 10

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Once It Was Lunchtime Keira went to Go sit with Her Friend August "hey Ke" said August 

that was August's nickname for her "hey Aug" said Keira and that was her nickname for 

August. "so can I ask you something?" "yeah?" "did you tell Lynn about me liking Joe?"

"no I didn't" "ok thanks" said Keira "but why don't you wanna tell Lynn?" "I do wanna 

tell Lynn that I like Joe waud" "wait did you just say Waud?" "yeah why?" "so what your

telling me is that your tutor is Jason's twin?" "yup" said Keira "but August he is nothing

like Jason trust me he is super sweet and kind and extremely smart" "I know" said 

August "he is one of the most nicest popular kids I met" "really?" "yeah that's why 

I was shocked when I found out because I thought Joe was gonna be like his brother"

"right" said Keira "but Girl you are Lucky" Keira smiled "thanks" she said "but I'll

tell Lynn later since she wasn't in the group chat" "oh yeah I didn't put her in it because 

she told me she was busy and I didn't wanna blow up her phone" "gotcha" said Keira 

Meanwhile on the High school side Joe was  Sitting with his  Friends Connor, Jackson, 

Chandler, Owen and Sam "Yo Bro So I told him you shoot hoops like my little sister" "yeah 

Jordan is sorry when he's on the court" said Sam "right" said Chandler then Jason walked 

over to their table "Wassup Mang" he said "Ayy wassup Jason'' said Sam "sup dude" said 

Chandler "yo" said Owen then Jason asked his buddy Jackson nickname Jack if he could 

move over "oh sure" then Jack slid over and Jason sat down "so how did you think did on 

that calculus test man?" Joe asked Jason "Oh I dunno man but I just wanted to hurry up 

and finish and get outta there yknow what I'm saying" "yeah totally dude" said Chandler

"how did you think you did?" "good" said Jason "ok" said Joe "but I hope Mr. G doesn't 

fail me and he probably will with his uptight self" "yeah he way too uptight" said Connor

"I agree" said Owen. All of a sudden this girl named Emily that Joe liked came to sit in 

the table in front of his he began to stare at her Chandler and Jason noticed and said

"Oooo" "what?" "I know you like her Joe" "I do not" said Joe "Ayy watch this" said Jason

then he threw a french fry at Emily she turned around "Hey!" then Owen threw 2 more at

her "Cut it out" then Jason, Owen and all the rest of the guys all except for Joe and Sam.

"Ok that's enough all ya'll" "why? are you mad cause Owen and I just threw some 

french fries at your girlfriend" "no" said Joe "look you guys are being Jerks Emily

didn't do anything to us especially you Jason" "what do you mean I'm being a jerk?

these people need to learn to respect me because they don't know any respect dude"

"Jason it's not about respect you shouldn't treat people the way you do especially

the 6th graders and 7th graders cause like you're really mean to them" "I don't care

they need to learn as well" "well dude yknow that kid I'm tutoring" "another dumb 

7th grader yes why?" "well she told me that you were really rude to her and Grace"

"Oh god she friends with GRACE!?" "yes" "OH GOD!!!" said Jason rolling his eyes

and so did the rest of the gang "that kid is SO annoying!" "right" said Chandler 

"I mean she comes up to me every day and is always like hi Jason hi Jason hi Jason

like leave me ALONE!" "yeah she says hi to me a lot too she's not annoying at all

she's just being nice and you're just being like I said before A jerk all of you guys"

"yeah I agree yo" said Sam "OH SHUT UP SAM WHAT DO YOU KNOW!" said Jason

"see" said Joe "that's exactly what I'm talking about but dude here's the thing you

don't have to be a jerk in order to get people to respect-" "ahh I'm not listening to 

you" said Jason "yknow you're acting a lot like Phill" Phill was a boy that was in 

that used to pick on the twins a lot back in middle school especially Jason and it 

didn't stop until Jason Graduated. "Phill? really?" "yeah remember how he 

used to act? that's how you're acting" then Jason became quiet "oh" "yeah now

do you wanna be like that dude?" "no" said Jason getting worried "I don't" 

"ok well then think about what I said" "who's Phill" said Jack butting in "it's 

a... long story" said Jason "yeah he was a kid that used to pick on me and 

Jason a lot" "oh" "he was an extreme bully Jason and I don't really like to 

talk about it though but I don't want you guys to be like that so try to take

my advice dudes that's all I'm saying" Jason sighed and so did all the rest

"yeah I agree with Joe man like 100%" said Sam "thanks" "no prob" then

Joe and Sam fist bumped while the rest of them sat there and thought about

i  "he's right" especially Jason said Connor "yeah" said Owen, Jack and Chandler 

"but uhh....."  said Jason changing the subject "the school is coming up" "yeah?" 

said Joe "who ya gonna ask to the dance man?"  then Joe looks over at Emily 

and then at Keira. 

He puts his finger over his mouth "hmm" Joe says 

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He puts his finger over his mouth "hmm" Joe says 

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