Chpt.2 "It's Too Much Tea"

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*Week Later*
I woke up this morning thinking about everything that goes on at school. I was tired of people testing Alia, Amiya, and I. Everyone wants to start something. I rushed my morning routine and got everyone up early enough to go to school. I sometimes hate first block. The students in there are irritating. They always hate it because I'm one of the smartest and they hate when I get everything right and always participate. In my eyes I'm just trying to learn right quick and get the day over with. Two girl in that block named Kayla and Linda erks my nerves the most. I have a smart mouth and I let no one run over me.

They have no type of common sense in that class and think they know everything they're talking about when they really don't. The always say Im a miss know it all or whatever but all I do is state facts. My teacher he always have my back though, Mr.Matthews. He knows that I have haters. And I don't know why but that means I'm doing something right. He constantly tells them they hate but they always refuse and for some reason hate my guts for everything good thing I do. But their jealousy is just my motivation. So I thank them actually. They hate I make smart comments after they say something slick or a dumb comment about me. Most of the time I ignore, or give them a glare, or I'll just respond so they'll shut up.

Kayla hissed"Sadiya shut up and stop asking the questions." I gave her an evil glare and said no. She grunted" Oh girl you going to make me , ugh." I snickered" Or what , you're gonna tell your mama who works here. She's your bestie right. There isn't any way my mom wouldn't be my best friend. I don't like that. Who your gonna have when your looking for a parent figure when an emotional time comes. You're only gonna have your mama." She got upset but I didn't care. It was very true. All true. I have no reason to lie. Her mom worked at our school and acted like a messy teenager and immature. It's just sad. But it's not my business. I cant judge I can only observe and state facts when someone comes at me like that. Mr.Matthews never did anything when I insulted and talked back to me. He knew I was defending myself. I had the freedom of speech. I speak my mind.

First block ended and we went to second. As soon as I walked in I wanted to walk out. I saw Keshun. The boy that lied to me. The one I trusted. The one I loved. I ignored him and went on about myself and sat in my desk. Alia came in and asked what's wrong. "Nothing." I lied. I couldn't tell her I found out that he talked to another girl and made me all these wishes and stuff. I did my assignment as quick as I could and turned it in to Mr.Mark. I took my phone out and put my earbuds in. I put my head down then all of a suddeni heard my phone vibrate. "God please don't let it be him"I begged. I looked down at my phone and it was him. Text message from Keshun. I looked behind me and there he was looking at me up and down. The message said "Why you not talking to me. I saw you and Savion messages. He said you would want me to know." I nodded. "And your point." He said" It's not what you think." "Yea right.So Donald lied huh."rolling my eyes. "I trust him, I know he didn't lie. You're always keeping secrets anyways."
He looked as if he knew my feelings were holding on but fading. "Maybe another time in the future will come for us, but for now you need to grow up." I turned. The bell rang and went to the cafeteria with Donald. I told him it's done and I can't talk to him anymore right now. He smiled at me at gave me a hug. "Look I'm always here for you." "Thank you." I said. I placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

All of a sudden we heard yelling. Donald and I recognized that voice anywhere. It was Alonda. She was still mad from last week and she was all in Raven's face. I looked in shocked at Raven was sitting down at the table in front of us and Alonda demanded that she stand up. Raven was scared to fight. She always dug a hole for herself and someone wanted to fight after she started it but she never wanted to do anything back. She always did things to get out if it. This one time I did agree with Alonda even though she hated me for being her man's ex. I also didn't agree because Raven wasn't worth fighting. All of a sudden I heard a snatch. Alonda had pulled her out the chair by her hair. Donald beside me "oh my gosh , Sadiya you saw that." I nodded anxiously. Raven was on the floor getting dragged like a doll. I don't prefer the hair pulling because I wouldn't want my hair pulled in a fight. I fight like a man. Straight punches. If I pull your hair that means you really have had to push me there because I fight for defense. I do not start it. Raven started with everyone. I saw Alonda on top of Raven hammering her face like a girl. These girls fight rachet. A hammer won't do anything. Bare fist will. The crowd was ohhhing and dangingggg. Even though they were cursing.

I looked up and Alonda was ripping Raven's clothes off. Donald beside me was saying "someone gotta help now cause people gonna see her body." I said," I have an extra shirt." I always kept extra clothes. You never know what the situation will be. Security guards finally came and broke it up. I sure wasnt going to. I just hope Raven learned to stop starting things. Eventually they were suspended and everyone posted the fight. Everyone had out their phones. Now she'll be embarrassed and never hear the end of this. Kinda feel bad for her now. Life don't always go like you want it.

I saw a girl approach me. The same I saw that was talking to Keshun. I wasn't jealous but I had a wondering look on my face because I didn't know what she wanted. She asked" You talk to Keshun." I nodded and said "Well since I found out he talked to someone else I stopped." She seemed releived but I didn't care. As she walked off I heard her mumble something under her breath. You guys know me. I couldn't help myself. "What was said." I responded. She only looked back and glanced. I smirked and gave her a mhmm. I don't like fighting over boys. But if a person puts their hands on me I can defend myself. I fight for someone who would fight for me though.

*Hope you guys like it. Please comment what you think. If my chapters are not well typed or confusing or something let me know. Love ya🤗😘
PS. Let me know if you like Sadiya's personality.

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