Fourth Man in the Fire - Pt. 3

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Disclaimer: I am not Charlaine Harris or HBO, so I do not, nor have I ever owned the True Blood series, the Sookie Stackhouse novels, or any of the characters. If I did Eric and I would be living in Europe together. I only own Solan and my own ideas! 

I turned in my bed, moving so the sun wasn't in my face. I groaned. I didn't want to wake up yet. I'd been having a rather pleasant dream about dancing in a rainstorm. I groaned and blinked, shielding my eyes against the sunlight streaming into my room.

I rolled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom and through a shower. I quickly dressed for work, pulling my wet hair into a long, dripping braid that hung down my back. I hurried out the door and drove to Merlotte's, yawning as I got out of my car and walk through the back door. I smiled at Sam as I entered his office.

                "Hey Solan, how ya doing this morning?" I stowed my bag on the shelf and turned to face him.

                "Fine, just a bit tired. How bout you?"

                "Looks like today's gonna be a bit slow."

                I nodded then shook my head, blinked, and flashed Sam a smile. "I'll go start my set up."

                I left Sam's office and headed for the kitchen. I saw Lafayette cooking away while Tara leaned against the wall. As I stepped closer I Lafayette started laughing. I walked to the cook's window and folded my arms on top of the counter, resting my chin on my arms.

"What? Hooker, you done got took." He waved around his spatula. "That wasn't no damn exorcism that was a straight-up con job."

"An exorcism? Really? I thought those only existed in bad horror flicks and Jesus camps." Tara jumped at the sound of my voice and swore.

"Shit Solan, you still sneakin' up on folks?" Lafayette raised his eyebrows at me.

I laughed and winked. "Boo."

Lafayette smirked while Tara rolled her eyes. She turned to me. "My mama made us go out to the woods and get and exorcism. She was convinced she had a mother fucking demon in her."

I burst out laughing, shaking my head.

"You know what the fucked-up thing is?"

"What?" Lafayette flipped a burger.

"It worked." Tara ranted. "It was like aliens beamed down and switched out her brain."

"Then that was 445 well-spent. Shit. Happy dance." He shimmied in place. "You should be glad to be rid of that - That's your mama,I ain't gonna say it." He turned back to grill.

"Fuck that. All the shit you've built up doesn't go away because some hoodoo woman moves some rocks around on your belly." Tara moved across to lean against the table, agitation pouring off her.

"I thought you said it worked." Lafayette quirked an eyebrow at her.

"I thought you said it was a con job." Tara sassed back.

"Heifer, it's not a con job if you got your money's worth. Hell. And who knows? It might do you some good too." Lafayette pointed his spatula at Tara.

"I don't have another 445 to waste on bullshit."

                "I agree with Tara, what that woman did was bull." I piped in

"You just saying that because you don't understand it. And trust me, this world is filled with things we will never understand." Lafayette's voice got softer. "Compared to a lifetime of Zoloft..."

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