Chapter 13

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I smacked myself out my misery when I began showing. Before that I would just stay in Raven's room or just walk the courtyard like a reanimated corpse. Funny enough what made forced me back to reality was seeing my father again. Raven told me all about the deal she made with him when he became a demon. The idiot thought he would be free once I was back in the dark realm. He mistook Raven's word. When she said he would be "free" she meant free from that type of punishment. He is now set in a high tower with him limbs chained. When the newly returned sun rises it begins to cook him from the inside out. When the moon rises he begins to freeze from the inside out. He gets to be in this pain forever. What it did for me was interesting to say the least.

Seeing my father suffering makes me think about how he has made me suffer because of his selfish choices. Now that I have a child of my own growing inside of me I have to think differently. What can I do to ease or stop pain from coming to her? What can I do as this child's mother to protect her from Raven? I'm not an idiot though. I know that this child will be exposed to things down here. They will see terrible things, but I want them to be able to come to me when they are afraid. I want my child to feel safe with me. Doing that means shielding her from all the punishment and abuse of Raven by taking it all myself. There's no denying that I'm trapped. This is the place is the end for me. I knew once I stepped back into this dark pit I would never climb out again. But this child will have a chance to do so.

They will have the chance to climb out and come into the light when the time comes. That day will be when Eve is strong enough to come back into the dark realm. In the prophecy book it says that they will battle like this for years. Then one day they will attack one another. There will be a push until one comes out victorious. Who that might be was ripped out, so I take it Raven didn't like who her father said would win. It might be different though. Her father didn't see me coming into play. I might have put the entire prophecy thing on its ass. All Raven's fault per usual. If the prophecy is true then I will hold out until the day comes. When It does I will do what I have to do to make sure my child gets to my mom and Isabelle.

For now. . . I have to return to old habits. I have. . . I have to submit to Raven. I have to do it anyway for the sake of the child. I have to play the good wife, the good little queen, and Raven's play thing. I'm going to have to do this to save the child from Raven. If I don't do what Raven tells me she will take it out on the kid. That is the complete opposite of what I want to happen. This fucking sucks! Those two years of freedom I had were the best two years of my life. I might have been in pain, but I was free. It was fun those two years, but it had to come to an end. I knew that my freedom would be given up, but I didn't think that it would be for a child. . . My child. I am more than ready to give everything for Isabelle, giving myself up for this kid will be no different. You know I think this is just in my natural nature. I'm a protector. Giving myself for others is what I do.

"Hey! I'm fucking talking to you!" I turn to see Raven. I quickly stand up, this bitch.

"Sorry. Just thinking about this kid." Raven smirks then come over to put her hand over the emerging bump. I stop myself from recoiling away from the unwanted touch. She still caught though and I caught a smack to the face. I hold my stinging cheek as Raven glares at me.

"Do that shit again. I dare you." I put my hand down then she grabs my face. We stare at one another for a while then she let's go.

"Come along then my little wife. We have to address the people." She drags me along without my consent, again per usual. Now that she's here it isn't a time for thinking. I always have to react or be ready to react. As we reach her throne room she let's go of my arm and looks at me again.

"Wipe the blood from your lip then take my hand. Be sure to look happy when we go in got it?" I nod.

"Yes Raven." Her eyebrow raises and she grabs my face again.

"You want to try that agin before I slap the shit out of you?" Right, she demands me to call her something else. Every time I have to say it I want to puke.

"Yes, my love." She smiles and pecks my lips.

"Good girl. It didn't take you too long to be trained again. Even though you don't deserve this, I'll reward you when we get back to our room later."

"Thank you. . . My love." She kisses my hand before we enter the room. God damn I wanted to barf all over her vile face. This is wrong on too many levels, but what do you expect from someone who is the definition of evil. As we walk by the dark angels in the room they all get on both knees and bow. A new rule made by Raven. No one disagreed with it naturally. No one wants to die. She had a throne made for me. Since it was apart of the bonding vow, I have to be treated by her definition of equal. In public it looks like we both share power, but behind the scenes she is the one in charge. All I am is this bitch's personal chew toy.

"Now, I'll make this quick so you can get back to it. With all the deaths and injuries we need to beef up our numbers. Now that our influence has come back into the human world all those people who were marked for us will come to us. I'm sending out teams to recruit and stop the light angels from recruiting. When those assholes are out trying to get more angels you kill them and take the souls of the people they were trying to recruit." Everyone nods in agreement. She motions for someone to come forward. Kia is pushed forward. She bows and Raven snickers.

"Alright then Kia. Looks like you will be over the organization. If things hot the fan I'll be after your head." Kia feverishly nods and backs away.

"Now, I want you guys to go attack. Any light angels you see kill them. If you happen to run into my niece who you chicken shits are calling "The Angel of Death" catch her and bring her down here. I know my darling wife would like for me to tear her captor into tiny pieces. Isn't that right baby?" I smile and nod. While I look at Raven I can only think of how surprised she will be by the end of all this.

"Yes, my love. I can't wait to see it." Raven strokes my face gently with the back of her hand then looks at the angels in the room.

"What are you waiting for? Get moving!" They all bow and run out the room. Raven takes my hand and teleports us into her room. Without hesitation Raven puts me against the wall. She's being much more careful now so she doesn't hurt the kid.

"You don't deserve any of what I'm about to do to you." She rips off my pants. By her new rule I'm not allowed to wear underwear anymore. It's just because she wants me to be convenient for her use. With her monster strength she picks me up and puts my legs over she shoulders. Couldn't even wait to put me on the bed this time. This cursed body began to react to her tongue and my hand clutched onto the light on the wall. She smugly enjoys my body's reaction to her every movement.

"Just think about this. . . When I kill your precious little light angel you will fully enjoy what I do to you. You'll be all mine like you should have been in the first place." She begins to eat me out again and a violent shiver bones up and down my spine. I know exactly what would happen. She'll be a drug for me. That's exactly why I tried to escape. It would be more of a turn on for her if I was her brainwashed sex toy. I probably would have had two kids by now. One is more than enough, and it's more that this evil bitch deserves.

She finally gets tired of holding me up against the wall and puts me down on the bed. Raven looks up at me then rips off my shirt. I'm going to have to get used to being an object again. Not looking at Raven while she fucks me is easy. The hard part is not pissing her off. The wind could blow the wrong direction and I get the punishment for it. Sometimes she will want me to do one thing; then the next time it's the other way around. My body eventually gives out and I come. Raven pulls her head from between my legs when it is over. She smugly wipes the sides of her lips off and looks up at me.

"Tomorrow you check in with the doctor about our baby. You know what happens if you don't I hope." I nod.

"Yes, Raven. I'll do what you want."

"That's right you will. This is good. You're not as stupid as I thought. I'm going out to plan your slut's demise. You already know the rules. Until then see you later tonight." She gets out of the bed and leaves the room. I give a deep sigh of relief. After a while I pick up the remains of my clothes, throw them away, take a bath, and begin my sabotage. I'll be able to get information and send it out as I go along. It will take some time to get some good information, but it will all be worth it to help Isabelle and my child. Maybe for once fate will be on my side. Just a couple more times, I can do something right. Just a couple more times I can do something good.

The Demi Angel (Sequel of Dark Angel) (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now