Chapter 18

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After a brief ceasefire a barrage of attacks came from the light angels. They kept getting closer and closer to the dark realm gates. There was one instance when some got through, but were quickly destroyed when Raven became involved. I was told that Isabelle was leading the charge every single time. I know this has to be her final plan. She's going to bust through and take down everything, but in the long run she will fail. Raven is a force that cannot be beaten, at least by Izzy. There are only two people that can stop Raven and that is me and Eve. If Raven wasn't such an idiot she would only have Eve to worry about. This will work to all of our advantages. My daughter more than anyone.

Nisha and I have been under lock and key since those light angels were able to breach the gate. We are both watched carefully by many many guards. The number is just enough to give me a hard time. Raven also knows that I don't want to expose my daughter to the violence I am able to do. What I am thinking I could do is take them out while Nisha is sleeping then teleport somewhere that light angels can take her to Isabelle. Once she is safe I can or as safe as I can get her I can leave with some peace. I know that it should be Eve to finish off Raven, but I personally feel that Raven is mine to deal with. She is my fight, and I will make sure she is my final victory.

"Food." I hear Kia say as she enters the room.

"Where's Raven?" I say as I get Nisha ready to eat.

"In the war room planning to defend."

"Another attack?" Kia nods.

"The light angel princess is persistent. She wants to destroy Raven badly." I chuckle dryly.

"Who doesn't?" Kia smirks quickly and serves our food. At least Raven is keeping us well fed. Kia gets up to leave then turns back to me.

"Queen Raven wants Queen Soleil moved to their room after she is done eating." The guards nod as she leaves. Nisha looks worried as she eats. She knows what that means when I am called away form her. She remembers the pain for interfering. I kiss her head.

"Eat your food. It'll be alright." Nisha nods as she eats her soup. I sit down across from her and begin to eat as well. I look at the guards who are not paying attention to me and my daughter. Kia must have known that I have something planned. With my utensils there is a carving knife that has been recently sharpened. I slip the knife into my pocket and continue eating. When I am done I kiss Nisha goodbye and go with the guards. When we are far enough away from the room I stop.

"Queen Soleil? Is everything alright? Did you forget something?" The guard comes closer to me and I look her in the eye.

"Yes..." By the time she realizes what happened the knife is already in her throat, "I forgot to kill you." I remove the knife then charge the others. They know that they can't kill me, and they know that they can't even lift a finger to me. These angels aren't Raven's best. The best are the ones fighting at the front. As they do their best to catch me I cut them all down. When there is one left I see the horror in his face. He drops his weapon, gets on his knees, and puts his hands out to me.

"Please don't do this. . . My Queen. . . Pl-" He is cut off by a rock coming through the wall. The impact blows me back as well. When the dust settles I see the splattered remains of the boy. I look out to see the light angels are in. This is it! I rush back to Nisha's room. I find her crying in the corner. She rushes over to me and clings to me.

"It's okay honey. It's your other mommy, the good angel." Nisha whimpers as more volleys come crashing into the castle. Where can I put her? I can try to out there.

"Mommy, why is there blood on you?"

"One of those big rocks. It crashed into the guards I was with. Let's go baby. I have to find somewhere to hide you." The only place I can think of is Raven's old torture room. She cleaned it out since I was "behaving". That room is heavy duty. She'll be safe there. Before I could teleport Raven teleported in front of us.

"Still alive? Good. Looks like my niece snuck up on those idiot guards." Raven grabbed my arm and teleported us into our room. I shake Raven off me and put Nisha into the room.

"Stay in here, you'll be safe. Nisha, look at me honey." Her little tear filled eyes stare up at me. Those beautiful eyes that I have grown to adore.

"I love you. You be strong." Nisha nodded and I close the door gently. The castle continues to rumble. I turn back to Raven who is staring at me with an amused look.

"Looks like you got your hands dirty."

"You should have put better guards with me." Raven laughs as she comes closer to me.

"You are a damn idiot. When your girl comes in she won't be able to stop me." I back away and take out the knife. Raven freezes then gives me a death glare.

"Yeah, I know that. I know Isabelle the woman I love is no match for you, but I am. You made a big mistake taking everything away from me! Everything that I had hope for you crushed it!"

"Whatever you're thinking about doing forget it! If you try anything I'll-"

"IT'S OVER RAVEN!! Don't you hear what's going on outside!? The dark realm has fallen! Just like your dad said it would! You lost everything because of me and what you did to me! The only good thing you have ever done is give me that beautiful little girl in that room." I stare down at the knife. My hands begin to shake as I continue to look at it. This is it. I look back at the door where Nisha is hiding.

"And now." I choke out through my tears, "You're ripping me away from her." I turn the knife on myself. Raven's eyes grow wide with fear. She slowly puts out her hand.

"Soleil, put down the knife. You don't have to do this. We can make a deal."

"A deal you will not keep. Our bonding vow is the only one you have kept... I'm going to see it through."  Everything slowed down as the knife grew closer and closer to my chest. In those small moments I can see everything. My dad, my mom, my allies, my friends, Raven, Eve, Nick, Nisha, and Isabelle. All of them played such different roles in my story. I am so sorry it had to end this way for some of us. It is not fair and it's not going to be easy for those left behind. It's just that there are forces in our lives that drive us to our eventual end. Some are positive, negative, and neutral. Mine were overwhelmingly negative, but those flashes of positive that I see now give me peace as the world goes out of focus. Those positive influences. . . I do wish I could say goodbye.

Nisha, this world is going to change for you. While there will still be darkness I hope you know that you were the light of my final years. Continue to be a light, and I hope when you think of me I will be a source of light and comfort to you. Kia, I always hated your ass from the moment I laid eyes on you. I'm glad to say now I slightly dislike you. Thank you for helping me with Nisha. There was a prophecy in the book that said there will be a new dark queen. It was about you. Rule well Kia, don't be like Raven. Be better than her. Dove and Angelina. Both of you were always pains in my ass, but you two were also my closest friends. Izzy will need you two more than ever. I hope you will be able to give her the strength that you gave me when I was suffering. Mom, I know it was wrong of me to blame you for everything that happened to me. I know that you were watching all those years wishing that you could do something, but you were helpless just like I was. I know that you will take care of my baby, and I hope that you will see her as just me in another form. When you look at her I hope you feel like you haven't lost me again. Eve, thank you. You made the greatest person I ever met. Izzy will be so hurt and defeated, and I know you will too. I know that you wanted to find a way to help me, but this was always the way it had to be. You're a good woman and a good queen, take strength in that moving on.

My love, Isabelle. I know you'll be in pain for many years, but I know you'll be alright. You're resilient, brave, kind, and you are my world. I love you and I always will. Please take care of Nisha. I hope one day you two will be able to remember happy times with me and not the sad times. If I knew that we would never be together again I would take everyday we had together and do it exactly the same. I don't regret a thing that happened, and I want you to live your life the same. You move forward in this world knowing that I will always be with you. I know you can do it sunshine.


A/N: Are you proud of your impatience?

The Demi Angel (Sequel of Dark Angel) (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now