Chapter 3: Damn it All

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The Dark Aster

Kree Warship

On a ship in the middle of Space in a room where a bathing chamber opens up from the ground and the water started to drain away to reveal a blue man inside. "They call me Terrorist, radical, zealot," Ronan states as he stood up and then walk to his priests as they clean him with water. "Because I only obey the ancient laws of my people, the Kree, and punish those who do not. Because I do not forgive your people," he states as the water was scrub off and then he was bathed in the sand. "For taking the life of my father and his father, and his father before him," he states in anger.

Then the priest then paints of his war paint and this his armor was placed on as well, "A thousand years of war between will not be forgotten!" he growls as he was standing in front of the Xanderian prisoner. "You can't do this! Our government signed a peace treaty." he reminds him, Ronan walks up from behind as he took his hammer out of the hands of the Priest, "My government knows no shame. You Xanderian and your culture are a disease." he states as he walks in front of him, "You... will never rule Xander." the prisoner states and Ronan stops, "No. I will cure it!" he shouts at him then turns back, raising his hammer and slams it on the Xanderian's head, smashing it and the blood runs along the floor and into the symbol in the center.

Ronan kneels down and watches it, then a cyborg steps up to him, "Ronan." Nebula said to him, getting his attention "Korath has returned." she informs him and he said nothing as they step into the throne room. And Korath was in front of him. "Master, they were thieves. Outlaws that call themselves Star-Lord and Greystone the Legendary Thief." Korath informs him as Ronan just listens to him. "But we have discovered that they have an agreement to retrieve the Orb for an intermediary known as the broker." Korath inform him, "I promised Thanos I would retrieve the Orb for him. Only then will be destroyed Xandar for me." Ronan states then he stood up. "Nebula, go to Xandar and get the Orb." the order and Nebula steps forward, "It will be my honor," she states with a smirk on her face.

Then her sister, Gamora steps forward. "It will be your doom," she states and Nebula stops as Gamora then looks at Ronan. "If this happened again, you'll be facing our father without his prize." she reminds him of the consentaneous of his failure. "I am a daughter of Thanos. Just like you." Nebula informs her. "But I know Xander," Gamora informs her. "Ronan has already decreed that I..." she went to throw at her, "Do not speak for me." Ronan snaps at her and she cast her eyes down, shutting her mouth.

Then Ronan looks at Gamora, "You will not fail." he orders her, she then looks at him as Nebula shot her eyes up and glares at her, Gamora just looks at him, "Have I ever?"



The capital of the Nova Empire

"Xandarians. What a bunch of losers. All of them in a big hurry to get from something stupid to nothing at all. Pathetic." Rocket states as he held up his scanner as he was looking for something good. "Look at this guy! Can you believe they call us criminals when he's assaulting us with that haircut? What is this thing? Look how it thinks it's so cool. It's not cool to get help, walk by yourself, you little gargoyle! Look at Mr. Smiles over here. Where's your wife, old man? What a class-A pervert." Rocket states as he looks from one person to another.

He then lowers his scan and then laughs to himself, "Right, Groot? Groot?" he asks, but then heard gurgling, so he looks over and saw the giant humanoid tree drinking the water from the fountain, he groans and then lowers the scanner. "Don't drink water from the fountain, you idiot. That's disgusting." Rocket tells him. Groot pulls away from him and shook his head, "Yes, you did. I just saw you doing it. Why you lying?" he questions him. Then his scanner went off, getting his attention. "Oh, looks like we got one," he states and then raises it up. "Oh, not one. Two," he states and then raises it up to the bridge. Getting the scan locked onto Ember, who was leaning against the railing and the scan locks onto Peter who was saying sweet nothings to Bereet. "Okay, humies, how bad does someone wanna find you?" Rocket questions.

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