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Rosalie's POV
Tucking my worn-out pointe shoes into my bag, I headed out onto the empty streets of New York, starting the long 9 block walk home. It was dark and the streetlights did little to help, even in the fancy area of town. Bella, a girl at ballet class, had offered me a ride home but I declined - wanting to stall as much as possible.

We had just moved here from England. I managed to join an evening ballet class, as that was the only time I could leave my house. With my dad being a sever alcoholic he was never home in the evening. However, he would often come stumbling in the early hours of the morning and it was never good for me.

"His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy," blasts out of my earphones as I shrug on my grey, two-sizes-too-big, hoodie. I slowly make my way down the streets taking in all the new, fancy and tall buildings. It was like a wonderland and I was Alice. Id never seen anything so beautiful or big.

The streets started getting rougher and more creepy and my legs were aching. A black limousine pulled up beside me. I was about to run for it when the window rolled down and Bella called my name, "Rosalie, get in the car. These streets aren't safe this late at night." I looked at my watch, 11 pm. She's right I thought as I climbed in. We made small chit chat about where I was from and why I moved. All lies of course. Bella also told me about the upcoming performance next week and how I should audition.

Finally I was laying down in bed fast asleep.
Morning came quickly and there was still no sight of dad. I decided it would be a good day to find a job. Someone had to pay the bills. I grabbed an apple and right as I opened the door dad came stumbling in. "WHERE THE F**K DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING BITCH!"
"And why do you have an apple. DID I SAY YOU COULD EAT," he screeched in my face. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and slammed my face into the kitchen bench. "I'm s- soo- sorry." He kicked me in the stomach and face "aw is the little girl scared." He continued his assault until I passed out cold and bloody on the floor.

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