Chapter 4

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Karma's POV

"You like her don't you?"
"No I don't!"
"Yes you do~"
"Oh my god Karma! We're just friends!"
"I highly doubt that~"

My best friend, Nagisa Shouta rolls his eyes and lets out a very frustrated sigh. I love doing this to him, especially when it's about Kayano.

I know he doesn't really like Kayano but I do know she likes him. It's quite obvious too, the whole class knows her "secret" crush for Nagisa. I grin widely as we walk towards our houses.

I don't live with anyone since my father was murdered when I was younger and my mum goes overseas to work. Because there is barely anyone at home, I usually hang with Nagisa or go to the park, mostly to sleep.

As we began reaching the road where we part ways, I spot a familiar orange head, is that what you call them, you know like red head and stuff. I don't know and I don't care. As much as I want to run up to him and start taunting him about my marks, I have to study for the practice test that korosensei has assigned us.

Well whatever. After the practice exam, I can mock him all I want. I love the look of despair and anger, it really makes my day. Go ahead, call me a sadist, but it's true, who wouldn't want to see their rival answering to you.

I walk slowly along the foot path that led to my house. I don't really live in a big house, it's the right size for one or two people to live in. It's quite simple living by yourself too.

All I have to do is wash my own clothes, which isn't that many. Make my own meals, make sure my WiFi works and have enough money for school. Well I guess it's only simple cuz my parents are the ones making the money.

I finally reach my humble home. I unlock the gate and walk through the front garden to the front door. I pull out my keys and slip it into a the keyhole. Heh, hole...

I enter the house, greeted by the fresh smell of coffee from the morning. I'm just gonna say, I hate coffee but I like the smell. It calms me from the hard day at school.

I place my bag onto the couch and switch on the A/C. Now, what do I feel like eating today? Ramen, suchi, well pizza it is. I grab my phone from the pocket of my bag and dial the pizza place's phone number.

I should get some work done shouldn't I. After I ordered the pizza, I make my way to my study room and turn on my relaxing, peaceful music. It helps me work and concentrate instead of procrastinating.

I turn open my almost clean notebook and begin writing small equations on the page. I guess it's better to do some work while waiting for my pizza to arrive.

After about six or seven questions, I hear a the bell ring. My brain immediately turned into hungry mode and I could feel myself salivating.

Jeez Karma, calm down.

I literally stumble and almost trip to the door and pull the door open. The pizza man stands there with a very bored expression holding my beautiful, scrumptious pizza. I slam down two thousand yen into his hands grabbing my pizza and closing my door.

I realize I was meant to give two thousand five hundred yen and rush to my wallet. I pull out a five hundred yen and sprint to the front door once again. I rip open the door and see the man with his fist raised to knock on the door. I shove the five dollar bill into his chest and scream a "thank you" from behind the already slammed door.

I rush into the room where my beautiful pizza was waiting. I open the lid and slowly pull out a pizza. Cheese strings stretched between the slices and the hot steam floated into the warm atmosphere , filling the air with the sweet smell of pizza.

I take a small bite and moan at the sensational taste. The soft, chewable meat, the warm, stringy cheese and the hard, bread base. I just love pizza so much.

Just as I was about to take my second bite of heaven, my cell phone began ringing. I groan inwardly. Who dares disturb me from my precious moment with my pizza?!

I place my beloved pizza back into the box, dust the crumbs off my hands and stand up. I slowly walk to the door, purposely trying to annoy the person at the door.

I reach then door and open it. Korosensei was standing there with his stupid smile on his face. I glare at him for interrupting my romantic moment with my pizza.
"I am here to inform you that we have a new student that will be moving to our class tomorrow, nufufufufufu." Korosensei says laughing evily at the end.
"Okay...and why did you bother coming to my house to tell me that?" I ask at the stupid teacher in front of me.
"Well...uh....I felt a boost of energy all of a sudden and wanted to inform everyone in the class...nufufufu." I raise an eyebrow with an 'are you serious' look in my face.
"Okay....good to know....well shoo now. I have a date to get to." I say quickly and turn around.

I hear a 'swoosh' sound. Korosensei was probably gone. I close the front door and rush back to my pizza. I sit back down and take an enormous bite.

I wonder who the new kid is...

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