Chapter 9

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Asano's POV

Today is so slow. Everyone is doing their work slow, the teacher is teaching slow, the fucking clock is slow! I just want to get everything done and over with.

Well as I said before, I'm not really going to try for any of the work today. Why should I waste my energy? Instead I decide to rewrite my suicide plan.

My plan is really simple:

1. Put the suicide note on the study table
2. Slice wrists as many times as possible
3. Swallow dad's sleeping pills
4. Lay in bed and wait for death

It's not that hard either. I smile at the plan before ripping it quietly into tiny pieces. Don't want anyone to see this do we?

I look towards Korosensei who was currently teaching an equation on the board. I've already learnt this from my study session at home.

He gives us five practice questions to do and waits for us to finish. I write all the workings out and write the answer. To be honest this is the most easiest topics I've learnt so far.

I look up to see if anyone else was finished but as I thought, everyone was still writing. Maybe Korosensei gives more work to do like mrs Blonde-y. I still don't know her name. Doesn't matter since I wont need it after today.

I begin seeing the other students finishing up the questions and whispering to each other the answers they got. I look down at my answers knowing they were correct but I check them again anyways.

"Okay class. Does anyone know the answer to the first question?" I didn't want to put my hand up since the rest of the students might get annoyed.

"Yes Nagisa?"

"3x." He answers confidently.

"Correct!" He says as a green ring appears on his yellow face. I sigh sadly. I want to get some attention too...

He continues asking the rest of the questions and each student getting it correct. I shouldn't be here, I don't belong here. If I answer anything or say anything, the spotlight will be on me and the rest of the class will hate me even more than they already do.

"Asano! What's the answer?" I snap out of my day dream and look at the teacher blankly.

"C-can you repeat the question please?" I ask quietly. Shit! The class is going to hate me.

"What is the answer to 8(9x-4)+6-8x?" He asks pointing at the equations written on the board.

"Umm...64x-38..." unsure of my own answer. I recheck it in my head before confirming it correct.

"Good Asano!" He says before writing down the answer. I look around nervously and notice some people looking at me. What do I have to do to get them to like me?

I sigh writing down the questions into my notebook. I need to study more, I wasn't even sure if my answer was right the first time.

"Okay class! You have your next class in five minutes so I'll let you out early. I can't wait to taste those delicious Crème Brûlée from France so I'll be leaving early!" And with that he flew out the window at Mach 20 speed.

"We have Karasuma sensei next! I wonder what kind of training we are going to do." I hear Akabane say in a sing-song voice. That means sports. That means I have to wear a short sleeved shirt. Fuck! I thought we might not have sports today!

I'm so screwed! What if they see the scars? They would think I'm a freak! The others can probably see me panicking right now but I don't really care.

Scars (Karma x Depressed Asano) (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now