Riley an' Daddy

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"Mornin' daddy." I greet the red headed man in front of me.
"Morning, love," He says not looking up at me, still ridding his eyes of sleep."Can I see your bracelet?" He asks and I show him my pale wrist with a pretty light green bracelet on. I'm bigender, so I always wear a bracelet with my pronouns for the day on, so that daddy an' other people don't get it wrong.

"Look at my bwacelet dadda, is so pwiddy, an' is gween, an has sparklies." I show him my bracelet with a large smile. "Wow, darling, that's amazing." He says sitting up in bed hugging me close to his chest. I love daddy's voice in the morning it sounds like what raspberries and lemon and chocolate would sound like. Daddy let go and kissed me on the lips, and then started tickling me, making me giggle."Naughty daddy." I say, holding a finger out like he does when he reprimands me. "I'm sorry, darling. You just look so beautiful this morning."
"Thass mean, daddy. If you say I wook pwiddy today, 'at means I nin't 'ook pwiddy yestuday, an' yestudays yestuday an' that yestudays yestuday." I explain to him, crossing my arms over my chest. He looks at me for a moment, before saying " I'm sorry, honey, I meant that you are beautiful. You are beautiful  today, and tomorrow, and tomorrow's tomorrow and that tomorrow's tomorrow." He said, looking at me with his rainbow eyes. Well, they aren't really rainbow, just a lot of different colours. They're blue, an' yellow, an' green, an' brown an' grey. I wish my eyes were rainbow. My ey- "Riley?" Daddy asks. "Mmmh?" I reply,
"You okay there?"
"Peachy," I smile widely making grabby hands at him.

He picks me up, and carries me to the bathroom, where he wipes my whole body and then lays me on the bathroom counter, while I was telling him a story about ponies. "Okay honey, I need you to sit still now okay?I'm gonna change your diaper and onesie now." Daddy says removing my dirty onesie from last night, it had milk and juice stains on it now. "Mmkay." As soon as he takes it of I cover my eyes with my arms, so that I don't have to look down there. "So daddy, an' then Rainbow-Dash  went all super speedy an she whizzed going evy where." I continue my My Little Pony story, whilst he changes my diaper.

When he's finished, Daddy carries me in my clean diaper. He then puts a large green over shirt, over my my blue romper and sets me down putting a green paci in my mouth. "Okay love, daddy needs to take a shower. Can you be a good boy and colour and watch cartoons whilst daddy showers?" He asked me, looking into my light blue eyes. "Yess Daddy," I try my best to speak around the pacifier, but I ended up dropping  it on the beige carpet. "Here's a new paci, I'm gonna leave the door open in case you need something. Okay love? Try not to drop this one." Daddy, grabs all his bathing stuff and enters the joint bathroom.

Daddy bathed for hours an' hours, well actually, minutes an' minutes but it was still a weally, weally, long time an colouring was getting boring. When I put all my colours away, and I put my book away and started watching Pooh Bear, only then did daddy come back with a towel around his waist. "Daddy I missed 'uo" I ran up to him hugging him. "I've only been gone fifteen minutes love," he says ruffling my hair, messing it up "But I missed you too, love." Daddy picked me up and carried me onto the bed.
"What're we doin' Daddy, what we 'oin' taday?" I ask him bouncing on the bed, whilst he was dressing. "Calm down Riley,  Daddy has to have a book review Mr Weißmann, and then have another review and Riley has to go to Uni, and go to work, so my darling Riley can't be little for long today, only before Uni, and after work. Okay, Love?" Daddy said, looking at me with a serious face, looking me in the eyes. "But daddy, Riley no wanna be big today." I reply back pouting. "Honey, I know. I wanna spend the day playing with my little monkey, but we can't okay? But I pinky promise when you come back home, you can be little all you want okay?" Alex (my daddy) punctuated his words with a pinkie finger stuck out. I huff out, but I know Daddy and I have to do this "Okay Daddy." I hook my tiny pinkie in his pinkie, and we both kiss it. "But no breakin' a  pinkie pwomise, mmkay?"
"Okay, love. Now does monkey want a bubba?"
"Oh, yes pwease, Daddy can monkey get a bubba?"
"Sure love, let's get you in a onesie, and with a new paci since you dropped that one."
Alex, picked me up an' put me on the bed. He put me in a plain short sleeved white onesie, and then put my green and blue Paw Patrol shirt back on top. I wrapped my bare legs around his waist and he took me down stairs like that.

When we got downstairs, Daddy sat me on the counter, going to the fridge, grabbing a bunch of stuff from the fridge and cupboards. "Wass daddy doin wif  'e buncha stuffs?" I ask around my pacifier, it was clipped onto my shirt, but I still didn't wanna it to drop. "I'm making breakfast love." Daddy, doesn't talk much, but luckily I do, enough for the two of us. "But daddy, I no hungry. Monkey no wanna eat." Daddy always makes me eat. "Love you have to eat okay." He kisses my lips after he says that, "Why daddy kissing monkey?"
"Because monkey was pouting, and monkey looks so adorable." He says, getting out the pan, and pouring butter and batter into it.
"Daddy, did you know monkeys live in the desert where iss hot an' dry, an' hot?" I tell him, as he starts making the pancakes.
"Love that's not true."
"Is too."
"Uh huh. Oops!"
"What's wrong babe?" He turns around leaving the pancake unoccupied.
"I drop my paci." He quickly plops it back into my mouth, even though I could have done it myself, and then he continues cooking.
"It's because you talk so much love." He says, now flipping the pancakes.
"Nu uh,Daddy."
"But I love that about you, now stop pouting honey. Pancakes are ready."
Short intro in Riley's point of view, although most little chapters will be in Alex's point of view. Hope ya enjoyed it.


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