Daddy and Riley

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A/n same chapter, Alex's point of view.

"Mornin' daddy."
"Mornin love," I greet the white-headed beauty, quite obviously in little space.
"Can I see what bracelet you have on today?" I ask, still rubbing my eyes not yet fully awake. I only do wake up when I hear the little squeal excitedly "Look daddy. Is a pwiddy green 'one. Lookie look."
Riley was wearing a bright, light green bracelet saying he/him, and he was looking up at me with wide brown eyes all excited.
Riley is bigender, meaning Riley is a boy and a girl. To avoid  confusion or misgendering, Rile always wears something showing his pronouns, be it a necklace, a bracelet or even a paci. "Did you do your chest already?"
Riley only nods slightly. I sit up and hug Riley close to my chest, squeezing his short frame, and then kiss him. He giggles, blushing slightly before saying "What was 'at for? Naughty daddy." Pointing out his index finger, mocking me when I reprimand him. "I'm sorry baby, you just look so beautiful this morning." I compliment.
"Thass mean." Riley puffs out his pale chubby cheeks, and crosses his arms over his chest.
"How do you mean love?" I honestly wonder where this is going, because Riley has a special way of thinking.
"You says, Riley looks bootiful today, 'at means Rile no look beautiful yestudays, an' yestudays yestudays, an' that yestudays yestuday. Also what if Riley no look bootiful 'morrow, an' morrows morrow, an' that morrows morrow." He explains, slightly pouting and out of breath, gosh I love this boy.
"I'm sorry babes. I meant to say Riley is beautiful. And that means that you were beautiful yesterday, and will be beautiful tomorrow, and that tomorrow's tomorrow, okay love?Now let's go get you changed "
"Mmkay daddy."

I pick the pale little up and take him into the joint bathroom, setting him on the counter, I wipe him down and remove yesterday's onsie with milk and other stains on it, a daily occurrence with Riley. Riley then starts telling me a My Little Pony story, again, daily occurrence. After changing him into a new clean diaper, I throw on a blue and green Paw Patrol shirt, and clip on a green accented paci. Picking him back up, mind you, he is still talking about My Little Pony but I love his babbling. Whilst changing his diaper he covered his eyes with his arms, because of body dysphoria poor thing.

"Okay love, Daddy needs to go and take a shower now. Can you be a good boy and colour and watch cartoons whilst daddy showers?" I ask setting him on the floor with his pacifier now in his mouth, near his colouring stuff, turning the TV on. "Mmkay daddy." He doesn't seem to be paying much attention, too busy organising his colours. "Oops!" He'd somehow dropped his paci whilst talking, me being prepare got out a green and blue paci, with a paw print and swapped the two. "There you go love I'm gonna go now."

I rush into the shower, cleaning up quickly before actually getting into the shower. I'm rushing because Riley has a very short attention span, and will get bored easily, and when Riley gets bored, somehow, I end up angry with a mess to clean, and a crying baby. I finish up, rinsing my hair, before I step into a grey towel, wrapping it around my waist. The moment, I step back into the room, I am being hugged by a smiling Riley, " I missed 'ou." He says behind the pacifier, still hugging onto my waist. I laugh at his cuteness and ruffle his fluffy hair. "Darling I've been gone for fifteen minutes. But I missed you too." I add not to dissapoint him. He let's go and then sits on the bed. Taking this as a chance, I start putting on my boxers and clothes. "So daddy what're we doin' today." Riley asks bouncing on the bed, watching my every move. I face away from the cupboard and say "Well, daddy has a book review with Mr Weißmann, and then another review, and Riley, has to go to Uni and then to work." I explain in third person, so he understood better, again, short attention span. We go through this every day, me telling him the schedule but today's was busier than normal, and I needed Riley to be big during school, work and whilst Mr Weißmann was here,  I don't like forcing him to be big because it's his happy place, but sometimes I have to. After explaining this to him and pinky promising him a baba, and extra little time tonight, I lay him down and put a onsie over his diaper, throwing his shirt over it, and slipping his paci into his mouth. I then carry him downstairs and set him on the kitchen counter.

I fetch all the ingredients and start making the Monday Pancakes from scratch, I don't like using the mix.
"Daddy, 'id 'ou know 'at monkeys live in deserts, where iss hot an' dry an' hot." Riley mumbles behind her pacifier. "No love, the don't." I correct her, this is why I love Riley. He's so random.
"Do too." He argues, and I can hear the pout.
"Nope." I reply, flipping the pancake.
"Uh-huh. Oopsie!" He squeaks.
Quickly, I turn around and see that his paci slipped out of his mouth. "My binkie slipped."
I pop it back into his mouth and say "Yes love, because you talk so much. But that's okay because I love it."
I finish cooking, Riley now telling me about palaces. I cooked around fifteen pancakes, and I piled half of them on a plate, pouring some syrup on them and then leaving the rest in a lunch box. I take a fork and knife and put them on the counter, I grab Riley's plastic purple bowl and fork, and set them aside my plate. Picking up Riley and setting him on a chair, putting his empty bowl there. "Daddy I no hungry." He pouts, glaring down at his bowl.
"Too bad love." I cut a few pieces of the first pancake and put it on his plate. I know he's hungry, but he went through bullying in highschool, it wasn't extreme, or physical, mostly, but it had left him scarred. See, Riley is slightly on the chubby side, but he sees himself as obese because of the mental bullying, I remember once, another little told him that I wouldn't want to carry him, because he was too heavy or some bull along those lines, so I keep an eye on him, he feels most vulnerable when he's little, and a boy, so days like today. "But daddy." He huffs out those chubby cheeks. "Yes my love?" I act innocently, eating the rest of the pancake. "Nevermind." He mumbles, knowing I won this one. He takes a bite into the small pieces, and continues eating quietly knowing his rules. We sat silently like that, me cutting up small pieces from my plate, putting them in his plate, until about half way through the stack, when he spoke up. "Daddy Alex, please may I have some juice?" Riley is extremely polite, and so I get up, filling a light blue sippy cup with apple juice, and pouring myself coffee in a mug.
"Here you go love, what do you say?"
" 'At 'ou Lexi."

We finished eating, me putting the plates in the dish washer, Riley had eaten about four pancakes, and drank all his juice and was now watching TV in the living room, whilst I cleaned the kitchen. I checked the time, and saw that Mr Weißmann would be here in about an hour so I finished clearing up, and went to check on Riley.
"Come 'ere monkey," I patted the seat next me, and Riley came running up to me, sitting cross legged on the leather couch. "Yess Dada?" He asks, brown eyes wide staring up at me. "Look honey, Mr Weißmann will be here soon, and I need you to clean up your toys understood?"
"No, buh I still playing wid 'em." He answers stoutly.
"All of them?" I ask trying to find an easy way out of this, that doesn't involve writing lines.
"Every, single one of them." He says back, looking up at me challengingly.
"How about you pack some of them, and then keep the ones you want, and then you take those with you upstairs." I negotiate, I really don't feel like punishment today.
"But I want all of them." He replies.
"Riley, I'm telling you no."
"Uh uh. Alex."
"Riley, last warning mister."
"Fine." Is all I say, before I carried him into a corner and setting him there. I fetch some paper and a black sharpie, setting it in front of him as well. "I sowwy daddy."
"I know, Riley. You need to listen to me when I ask you to do something okay love? I don't do it because I like being mean, and I also don't do it because I like punishing you. Daddy, hates punishing you, but you need to listen. What's rule number 3?" I scold looking down at the teary boy below me. "Listen to Daddy, because Daddy knows best." He mumbled.
"Hhmm? Speak up love."
"Listen to Daddy, because daddy knows best. " he says again, louder this time.
"Good boy. Now, you are gonna stay here for ten minutes, and when the timer rings I need you to go and pick up all your toys. I won't make you write lines since you apologized, but if this happens again you will. Okay love?" I ask him. "Yes Lexi."
"Good boy." I kiss his fluffy white hair, and set the timer and then go and get ready for my meeting with Mr Weißmann.

After twenty minutes, I go downstairs and see all of his toys picked up, and him sitting in the corner quietly looking at the floor, and I rush up to him and sit beside him, tear tracks visible on his now red cheeks. "Sowwy Dada." He mumbled, still looking down, causing me to make him look at me by pulling his chin up lightly. "Darling I forgave you a long time ago, sweetie I just want you to learn your lesson, because one day it may be important that you listen to me okay?"
"Yes Lexi."
"I love you monkey."
"I 'ouve 'ou too."


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