Clean up! (1)

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Alex's POV

I carried the puffy eyed boy up the stairs setting him on the bed and going into the bathroom to collect a towel. I came back, with the warm towel and wiped the tears and tear tracks on the little's face. "Hey love, you want a bottle?" He asked, hoping to cheer the pouty boy up. "Yes pwease." He sniffled, breaking my heart. "Okay love, how about whilst I go and make your bubba, you finish cleaning your toys okay?" "Uh huh." Riley nodded his head enthusiastically wanting to be a good boy."Let's go then, baby boy."Standing up, Alex holds his hand up for Riley, who ignores it and makes grabby hands, " Uppa pwease Dada?" Riley makes puppy dog eyes to accompany his request. I put my index finger up to my chin pretending to think, "Mmmm, okay...But first...."I didn't finish my sentence, because I started blowing raspberries on the boys stomach. "No, no, no, I King Wiley ve fird command 'ou ta stop!"

When we got downstairs Riley picked up his toys as promised, me microwaving the milk and adding the baby formula Riley insisted on having, also adding some vanilla, to put him to sleep. When I finished heating, stirring and adding things into the milk, I poured it into a plain bottle with a white top, we were spending most of the day at home do I didn't need to use fancy bottles or paci's. "Riles, I hope you're finished because I have a nice warm bottle just sitting all lonely on the counter, waiting to be drunk. "I  called out to Riley, who was running around and grabbing his scattered toys, playing hoops with stuffies turned out to not be a good idea "I 'most finished, Lexi. No be mean." He said packing them all in his toy box, neatly separating stuffies from toys. "How's Lexi being mean monkey?" Alex crossed his arms over his chest, genuinely interested in where this conversation was going. "'Ecause, Lexi weaving bubba on ve counter aaaw awone, wivout 'nyone ta dwink 'im." Riley, entered the kitchen eyeing the bottle, sat on the counter. "Well, I think a certain brown-eyed monkey is gonna drink him soon ya?" Alex took hold of the bottle "But," He continued, "he needs to do two things before he can get it." Riley, impatient, wanting the bottle already sighed saying "Ve first fing?" Alex smiled at this "he has to say please-" before he could even finish his conditions he was interrupted by Riley "Pwease?" But he continued avoiding the last comment "And, give his Dada a kiss." "Hhhhhuuuh," Riley sighed. "Okay." And walked up to his daddy, kissed his cheeks then looked up nicely "Please Daddy?"
"Here you go love." Riley took the bottle thanking him quickly, before walking to the living room, sitting on the beige sofa, waiting for Alex, who was right behind him, sitting down he pulled the younger boy onto his lap, feeding him the bottle.

After I finished feeding Riley his bottle, I had to get ready for my meeting and get Riley read for an hour and a half alone, again carrying him upstairs. I honestly don't know why I have gym membership, because I do this time, but I honestly really mind don't because Riley is my baby. Riley's mental age in headspace varies from 1-4. One, because Riley prefers to be carried, or crawl, Riley also drinks from a bottle, and gets fed some foods and also wears a diaper. But Riley, also is potty trained for bigger accidents, and sometimes wears pull ups and sometimes even boxer briefs over, and likes colouring and drawing, so around three. I set him down in front of the smaller TV in our room, Rainbow Ruby playing already. Okay so, the man I'm meeting'll be here in around half an hour, so I need to leave Riley's favourite shows on queue, take his paper and drawing shit out, get a few snacks and books out, and remember to keep the monitor alone. Riley, has an abnormally short attention span, meaning that life with Riley is extremely random and enjoyable, but leaving Riley alone is stressful because you never know what he's gonna do, so I try my best to never leave him alone especially when he's in a younger headspace, luckily right now, he's around 3/4 so, hopefully nothing goes wrong.

Quickly going to 'Riley's Box Of Mysteries' I grab said supplies. 'Riley's Box Of Mysteries' being this cupboard where we put all of Riley's art supplies, films, pictures, books and a whole bunch of other things Riley likes. It makes it easier for times like this, where he can just simply open the cupboard for entertainment. I get said items, and a Barney CD (we are old school like that.), arranging them in sections around the room, because Riley has a small case of autism where she likes things a certain way and in a certain order. I put the books, beside the TV stand, the monitor on the nightstand and the the drawing items beside Riley's mystery box, placing newspaper all over the area and the quickly run downstairs, grabbing some strawberries, yoghurt and cheese curls, also putting apple juice in a blue sippy cup, and water in a green one, maybe I went a bit over board but rather safe than sorry. I set the snacks on top of the cupboard and then I start to get ready quickly putting on black slacks, a white shirt and then a matching black blazer on. "Lexi, silly. Need help wif his jacket." Riley comes over, standing on the bed, fixing my collar. "Thank you baby." And lastly putting the Barney CD in. "Okay monkey. Lexi is having a very important meeting downstairs in the office. Okay?"
"Uh huh." He nods, looking up at me, as he was sitting cross legged  on the floor, with the sippy cup of water. "Okay? So I've put Barney in, and I left you your favourite books there, and some paper and colours there, and some snacks on top of the cupboard. Baby would you please try not to make a mess or a lot of noise, okay?I'll only be down a little while." I said seriously. "Lexi put in Barney?" He asks wide - eyed. "Honey is that all you got from my talk." I ask, "No, Wexi also weft Riley food." Riley says turning to Barney. I sigh, but sit and watch Barney until my phone ring, Mr Weißmann asking what number our apartment was. Telling him the number, I get up and straighten up checking on Riley before going downstairs.

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