Chapter 11

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Arohi's POV

I finally landed in India after a long tiring flight. It felt so good to be back, all the sadness of leaving London and Rohan behind vanished in the thin air. No matter wherever you go, it's always good to be back home. I missed being in India. 

As soon as I got out of the gate, I could see my paparazzi friends present at the airport ready to click me. 

"Welcome back, Arohi! It's good to see you again." One photographer said while clicking me. I smiled for his lenses, "Same here!". In between, I also managed to sign some autographs and also posed for selfies. 

"Is the album over? How was working with Rohan?" The media people started shooting questions at my direction.  

"It was good. And No! the album is not over yet. I'll be going back soon." I faked a smile at them and finally managed to spot Vivek who was coming to me. 

I went towards him dodging the paparazzi, with a smile which grew bigger on seeing him.

"Welcome back, Arohi!" Vivek said as he engulfed me in a hug with a big smile on his face.

"It's so good to be back!" I said feeling the joy of returning home.

Vivek placed my luggage in the car and we drove home. Throughout the ride, I was looking out of the window, wondering how much I missed this place with a grin refusing to leave my face. I really missed being in Mumbai, these roads, the traffic, the noise, the people, everything.  No matter what London gave to me, India will always be dear to me, I'll always long for my home, my India.

After the drive which felt like never-ending mostly because I was too impatient to see my home after a long time, I got out of the car as soon as Vivek stopped it. I stood in front of my house, smiling. I was really happy being back.

"Welcome back, Arohi!" Indu, my maid greeted with a wide smile, opening the door for me. She must have heard the car entering. I smiled at her, entering the house. The familiar smell of home filled my lungs.

"Thank you so much! I missed you!" I said making a puppy face at her and pulling her in for a hug.

"Really? But Vivek was saying that you were happier there." She said with a playful grin. Indu was more than a maid for me, she was like my elder sister, my family.

"What?! No! Don't trust him!" I glared at Vivek who entered the house with my luggage in his hands, laughing at me.

"OK then, I'll get going now," Vivek said putting down my bags and looking at his watch.

"No, wait! I've made breakfast for both of you, so don't leave before having them." Indu said to Vivek, who was at the doorstep, ready to leave.

"Well...I can't deny your tasty food." He smiled at her, entering the house and closing the door behind.

"I'll first go and freshen up before I join you," I said to them and climbed upstairs to my room.

A smile crept across my lips as I opened the door to my room. It was just like how I left it. I went and sat on my bed, dragging my hand on the bed feeling its softness. I sat there for sometimes just staring at everything and took a deep breath. I'm at home and it feels amazing to be back.

After taking a long hot shower, I got dressed in my comfortable clothes and went to the dining area. Vivek had already started having his breakfast without me. I went and sat opposite to him and frowned at him.

"What? I waited for long enough. I was hungry." He said reading my mind. I just smiled to that. Indu started serving me.

"'s so good!" I said cheerfully like a 5-year-old child. Indu and Vivek chuckled at my behavior.

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