Chapter 26

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Arohi's POV

I am angry... not on him but on myself.

For coming here, leaving my whole world behind. For loving him more than I love my own self. For wanting to help him. For keeping aside my self-respect and ego every time no matter how hard I try not to.

Every day I think I should go back. That he is just not interested in anything but then my heart stops me. Thinking about him makes me keep worrying about him more. I feel weak even when I think I have become strongest. He makes me weak, he takes away all the courage and confidence I've taught myself. He just takes away everything in me. It's not his power, I've given him this power over me by loving him and letting my heart take control when it's about him. I know I shouldn't, but I just love this man so fucking much to leave him behind and go live my life.

I don't regret anything but it just makes me sad and angry.

Rohan is getting worse day by day as he has now upgraded his levels. He has set the new heights that even I am a little scared to approach him. No need for me to tell that he didn't apologize to me about how he behaved with me. But not just that, he is not even sorry for it.

He is now not even letting me anywhere near him. Last night he threw me out of his room as soon as he spotted me inside and shut the door on my face. Did I mention that he was with the same blonde from that bar? I know this is just an act but it still broke my heart into a million pieces. I couldn't sleep the whole night thinking about them being together in his room. I do trust Rohan to the core but I don't trust that slut. And thinking about this still makes my heart beat faster. I just saw her leaving the house early in the morning.

I did confront Rohan about it to which he threw a few insulting words towards me and left by pushing me hard to the wall. It is really getting harder. I can't stay here for longer. He was right when he said that I can't keep forcing myself on him. He is just getting worse. I am of no help to him in any way and if this is going to continue then it is just better that, I should leave... for his sake. Maybe then he could get a little better or... I don't know.

I closed my eyes for brief moments as the cold breeze hit my face. I was in the balcony of my room staring out at the garden view. It was a beautiful view right before me but I wasn't enjoying it, my mind was occupied by Rohan, like always. I took deep breaths, trying to breathe out the worrying thoughts and focus on nature. It was really suffocating me to stay in this house any longer. I needed peace and calm for some time and I found that in nature.

"Arohi..." I heard Raghav knock on my door. I composed myself quickly before putting on a small smile as I went to open the door.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Ben is here," Raghav said looking at me with a worried face. "Are you OK?"

"Yes, I am fine. Was just thinking about a few things." I said sighing a bit. He gave me a weak smile without saying anything.

"I can handle Ben if you don't want to meet him?" He asked with a concerned tone. I gave him a genuine smile.

"I am fine Raghav. It is just every day of my life now." I said coming out and closing the door behind. I turned to look at him as I continued, "Besides that guy has come all the way to meet me. I can't do that to him."

"But Arohi..." He was saying something when I cut him off.

"No buts Raghav. Let's just go." I said sounding cheerful and I held his arm and pulled him with me.

"Wait wait. I just want to warn you that Rohan is there too." Raghav said pulling me back with the same force. I stopped in my tracks and looked back at him.

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