Name: Kriger Age: Judging from his looks, I'd say around 600 at least... Gender: Does he look feminine to you AT ALL? Looks:
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He looks as old as Soltilas..
Yeah, but not as smart!
Are you really that INSANE to insult the Draugr?
If I'm crazy enough to create the Subjects, I'm crazy enough to insult that hunk of rotten, frozen flesh.
And this is why you got locked in Limbotraz..
It's also how I escaped.
Fair point.
Scenario #1: You decided to go journey into the woods! (Silly you!) When you see a large Nordic arch.. followed by other arches leading deeper into the forest... you follow them, where you reach a crypt with a rotten wooden door.. do you enter?
Scenario #2: Since I literally can't think up anything.. make it up!