3. Feuds Of The Famous

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When people hear the word fame often they think about all the perks to it instead of the disadvantages. Yes the money, latest fashion's, luscious food, and fancy smancy cars are pleasurable causualities, but sometimes even the grandest of delights can be over-ruled by the disadvantages. 

Such as  Fans for example. 

Fans were something every human craved for at least once in their provincial lives; I mean c'mon who wouldn't enjoy thousands of people kissing the ground you walk on or keeping your old tissues for silvoneers? It was a pleasurable endurance for anyone, even for the most modest of people, to experiance. 

Yet with fans, especially massive amounts, there came some displeasures. Some of those being mobs, never ending harassment, and vast quantity of stalkers who didn't have their drivers license's yet. But believe it or not that wasn't the worst. Most of those confrontations could be easily avoided, but the irksome situations that they resulted in were difficult to step over. 

What are these irksome confrontations you ask? 

Our own kind. 

Celebrities; New's makers; Super stars; V.I.P's; you name it. The field in which we were currently in held massive amounts of competition, especially when there were thousands of people who wanted the same thing; and if you happened to be successful you immediately became a threat, and a relentless enemy. 


Because of the fans. 

For with out the fans making us look cool there would be no career. And that brings me to our current situation now which was me, Harry, and Louis fumbling with the masks and the ties of our costume's as we drove head on to the Galegon ballroom. The location of Little Mix's release party. 

Now here's the thing about Little Mix, we hated them. 

Not for a good cause of course, but because the two of us were constantly battling for the top spot on the charts. Both One Direction, and Little Mix came from the x factor and both have had massive success since they stepped off. I don't think we had a problem with each other though until our path's crossed, and we beat them out in a huge British music award ceremony that sparked the fearsome feud between us. 

I personally had never truly laid eyes on the four girls. I had caught quick glimpse's of them in person, and on magazines but never really bother to waste saliva or valued eye sight on them. If I were to ever bump into one of them I don't believe I would be able to recognize her, that was how little attention I paid to them. 

I didn't really hate them though, not as much as the other lads did. The other lads were at wits end with them, especially with the girls most recent scheme a couple of months ago; where they had used an inside source to release some pretty serious stuff about us. Nothing that could ruin our career, but stuff that was embarrassing to put in public, and make the feud worsen between us.

 I think it was honestly our managers who really set the feud in motion though, a little over a year ago if recall correctly. Our manager/publicist Carly Dashner (well technically our real manager was Simon Cowell, but she was like the on sight manager.) had clashed with Little Mix's manager/publist the night of the music award, and of course we jumped to her defense when the fight got nasty. 

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