Chapter I

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Another book, sorry for its darkness. I just couldn't make it less dark. I hope you will enjoy.

Mike's POV.

I don't remember it properly. All I remember is crash, my car has been seriously damaged, the other car was crashed too. I remember how I sit in my car's driver chair, my head was bleeding. I blacked out. I remember ambulance's car noises. Strange, metal sound. They took me out from the car.

"We're losing him!"

That's all I remember. Now I'm here. Hospital, I assume. Strange, but I couldn't move the half of my body. While another one worked normally, even if it hurt as hell. The door has openned, doctor came in.

"Michael Kenji Shinoda?", he asked. I simply nodded my head. " I'm glad to see you alive".

"Alive?", my mind was blurry a bit. " What do you mean?"

"Well, when you arrived here, you was critically damaged." I gulped, "We sent you to the operation room immidiedly, you could die any second back then".

I think, he saw that I was nerveous, because he started to calm me down.

"There is nothing to worry about now, Mr. Shinoda!" He said. "And I have two news for you, one of them is bad, another one is good", Of course. "Which one should I tell you first?"

"The bad one".

"Okay," he sighed, "less than a half of your skeleton was crushed, so we had to implant robotic parts."

I started to tear up, "W-What is the g-good one?".

"You're ready to leave tomorrow, we had called your friends to make sure they could pick you up," he sighed again, "I'm sorry Michael". The doctor got up and left the room.

How will I live now?


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