Chapter II

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Chester's POV.

I just got a call from hospital. They said Mike got to them. They haven't said anything about him. I decided that I need to go to him. I've called all the guys. I think they are going to Mike too.

-30 minutes later-

I'm almost there, just one more turn. That's hospital for sure.

"I'm sorry", I said, " Is there any Michael Shinoda in this hospital?".

"Wait, I'll check for him", said the middle-aged woman, "Michael Kenji Shinoda, right?"

"Yes, that's him. Where can I find him?"

"Room C-089, but be careful, the patient mustn't worry alot".

"I will, thank you", with these words I runned through the corridor.

I looked at the one of the doors, the tag on it said "C-089".

I knocked at the door. "Come in", someone behind the door said. When I closed the door I found Mike, he's laying on his bed.

"Oh, Chester. You actually came here", he smiled.

"Mike? What happened?", I asked, "Why haven't you phoned me?"

"Ches, calm down at first. I have something terrible to say", I could see that he's trying not to cry.

"Okay, sure. What is it?", I sat on the chair and moved closer to Mike.

He sighed, "I hope you'll understand", He was silent for the half of the minute, "Well, the doctor told me that when I got here, I could die any second. He said that the half of my skeleton was crushed, and they done a surgery on it, they replaced the half of it with robotic parts". He took off the blanket and moved the robotic arm on his legs.

"Oh my god...", was all I could say at that moment, "Mike, I'm so sorry..."

"There's no need to be sorry, it's my own fault.", His eyes were empty, there wasn't any hope in them.

"Mike, you'll be okay. We are with you, we will help", I said, we are always there for someone who is sad or afraid.

He sighed once more, "Thank you guys".

"Today you can come out, right?", he nodded, "Okay, let me help you. We're going to pick everything we need, then we will go home".

I helped him to get up, and took the robotic part, since Mike can't control it for now.

We will help Mike to return his normal life, I promise.

Second chapter already! I hope it didn't suck that much.

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