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This one will be short, because the story is on its way to the end. Enjoy!
-A half of the year later-

Mike's POV.

Six months since the release of "One More Light". The album was 50/50, according to what people write under our song's official videos. And still, I felt that we had fun while recording it. Suddenly, Chester came in the studio.

"Guys, One More Light Tour should start soon", he said.

"We know, Chester. You said it like, a million times", Joe said with a smile.

"No Joe, this one is the millionth one", Brad chuckled.

"I'm serious! Shouldn't we practice before it?", Chester asked us all.

"We've done it many times. We can play it Chester."

"Okay, but if someone will play wrong, then I'll kill him!"

"Calm the heck down! We played the set's songs many times, its impossible to make a mistake somewhere in them now.", Dave said with a sigh.

Chester left the room, while the guys contiued their work.

You know what? I said that I'll never feel myself as a human before, I was wrong. I'm probably the happiest man in the world now.
So, here we are! This is the end of this story. I hope you liked it. Let me know your thoughts about it. And, while I'm writing this, I wanted to say thanks to: LeaveAndThink , stefuh and omgbennodastories . The stories of these people motivated me to write this. Maybe, I was still writing LB's if I wouldn't meet these people and their stories. Goodbye!

- SoulHunter

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