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Being in JROTC was not as easy as many say but I loved it. The only thing I would change would be have more time with my higher ups. AKA Hall. We never once talked outside of the squad, sure we had drill, and PT together but we never got to talk. It was just orders, and him running ahead of me. When we were able to pick teams I would try to be on his team. Sometimes it wouldn't happen though and if i am being honest that would make me really sad and purposely not want to do as good. 

When it came down to the end of the year and we were about to go our separate ways he wrote an evaluation on me for the instructors to read and it was so good! He recommended me to come back to the program and the next year I was invited back. Of course I took the opportunity. I wanted to take the course again as a LET 2 this time because one I liked the program and two I was really hoping to see him again. 

When we started the second year I learned that he did not continue the program and left ROTC. I was sad but I still finished my first semester in the program. LET 2 year is a two semester long class but I never did finish it out. No it was not because of him... it was because I had failed the past years math course and wanted to catch myself up; so I took two math classes that year. But in order to take the math course I had to give up JROTC.  

Giving up the class wasn't all that bad. It moved my schedule around and putting a class I wasn't expecting in place of the 3rd period slot.  But after I got into the class I was very happy. Happier than I should have been. 

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