Averix & Carter: The Beginning of the End

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"Are we done?" I ask Carter.

"I don't know. Do you want to be?" he asks. He's been on an assignment since we returned from saving our families, 1 month ago. We haven't had much time to talk since then.

"No. I think i need a break." I look at him. He stays silent for a minute then say.

"Okay." He stands to leave.

"Wait. I have a question." He sits back down. "In the arena when i was crying over your…how did you do it?" That question just slipped out.

"I don't know." He gets up, kisses my forehead and say,"I'm Sorry." and walks away. His footsteps echo as he walks out of the empty cafeteria. It's 4 in the morning, so of course it's empty. I sit there until i see Kiara walk in for breakfast, she sits down in front if me.

"Whats wrong now?" She say, i shake my head at her. "Then stop sulking everywhere you go."

"I don't sulk!" i snap.

"Yeah you do." i roll my eyes and walk out. I turn the hallway and see Barley sitting in her wheelchair looking at a picture on the wall. When i walk over to her, i see that it's map of the country and the one District shes looking at the most, is District 9. Her District. "Carter said you wanted to take a break." I nod my head and begin to cry. She pull me down towards her, and i sit on my knees with my head on her lap, in the middle of the hallway.

    I sit at the dinner table with Kiara and Barley eating when he walks up.

"Can i sit here?" Carter asks.

"Yeah sure." Kiara say. He turns and looks at me and say.

"How are you?"

"Tired." i answer.

"Sleeping in the Hospital can't be comfortable. Why don't you come back to-" He cuts himself off.

"I'll think about it." i say.

A week later i sleep in the hospital again. i wake up from a horrid nightmare where i was strapped to a metal table in the capital and Thread is pouring water down my throat. Thats the first nightmare that i've had about the cold, metal table.  It's been a week since i talked to Carter. That would make it a one week and a month since the assignment to save our families. My family won't talk to me, and Carters family looks at me like i'm crazy. There all shocked that i beat up Thread. I walk down through the long hallways until i come to Carters door. I'm about to knock when he opens the door. "Averix." He whispers. "Are you okay?" I shake my head. He immediately takes me in his arms. "Come here." He walks backwards and sits next to his bed, on the floor. "You're going to have to tell me what he did to you, you know."

"Not now…Not yet." i whisper. He kisses my forehead.

"I'm Sorry."

    I fall a sleep in his arms that night, like i used too. My nightmare resumes but this time i'm back on the metal table being poked at. I wake up the next morning alone. I'm glad Carter didn't see me. I quickly get up and dress in my old black pants and a black shirt that ruffles at the hem, with black boots. When i walk into the cafeteria,i am  immediately called to Command. When i get there Barley, Kiara, Carter and all of the other Tributes are at a large table in the center of the room. I sit at one end of the table, just as Coin hands me the folder. When i open it, my whole body goes cold. It reads: 

The 43rd Hunger Games

"We have a new assighnment for you, Averix"

   "No. Never. I'm not going back!" I exclaim.

"Why not?" The girl from 1 say.

"Shut up Kly!" Kiara snaps at her.

"No Kiara! Kly has the right to ask her questions!" The boy from 2 say.

Averix & Carter: The Beginning of the EndWhere stories live. Discover now