Chapter 9

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Omg it's been a while! I've been doing a lot of brainstorming about where I'm gonna take this, and I know exactly how it's gonna go, and it's gonna be long! So stick around and see what happens! :D


"I've been watching you closely and I've chosen you." Millicent said softly, her green orbs never leaving mine. "Chosen me for what?" She opened her mouth to answer but looked over my shoulder and paused. I turned my head and my eyes fell upon a gorgeous blond god standing two feet behind me. He offered me his hand and I gave him a once-over before taking it and allowing him to help me up. His soft brown eyes quickly scanned my face before a small smile played across his lips. "I'm Harvey. I see you've met Archer and Roman?" His deep voice rolled through my ears like honey dripping from a spoon, sweet and slow. I stammered a bit, realizing he was still holding my hand. "I-I've met Mo too. He a-abducted me, and-" I was cut off when Harvey put his other hand to my lips to silence me. He was no longer smiling. "Did he tell you he loved you?" I pulled his hand away from my mouth. "What?" I asked, startled at his sudden seriousness.

Harvey stepped closer and grasped my shoulders firmly. "Did he tell you that he loved you specifically? Did the words 'I love you' come out of his mouth?" I leaned away from him. "Yeah, maybe a few times, why?" He studied my face for a few seconds, to gauge if I was speaking the truth, then looked over my shoulder to his mother. "He has chosen her too. She's the one." I turned around to face Millicent and she looked at me with her brilliant green eyes. It was a somber, forlorn look that sent chills down my spine. "Chosen for what?" I asked her, but received no answer, and she flicked her gaze away, almost shamefully. I turned back to Harvey. "What am I chosen for?" He only gazed in my eyes with a face set in stone.

I grabbed his forearm. "Harvey, what am I chosen for; what is going on?" I was starting to panic. I was asking questions and getting no answers. He grabbed my hand and held it gently. He looked in my eyes for a few seconds before leaning in close and whispering, "The Quest to Receive the King." My heart dropped to my stomach and I froze. "What?" I said, barely above a whisper. I had no idea what he meant, but I didn't like the sound of it at all. "What do you mean, 'Receive the King?'" Millicent grabbed my hand and held it in a firm, supporting hold. I looked at her and was surprised by the tears streaming silently down her face. "Such an honor," She whispered. "you will be remembered for your bravery." I glanced at Harvey, only to receive another pitiful look. "What are you guys talking about? What if I say no?"

Harvey spoke softly, but his voice was stern. "You can't. Once you're chosen, there's no going back." I stared at him, my mouth hanging open. "Of course I can, it's not like I'll die or anything." Harvey sneered at me. "Some people would kill for this opportunity. Be grateful you were chosen and prepare yourself for training. We leave in a few days." He started down the hallway, then stopped and turned back to hold me in his cold stare. "You have your little boyfriend to thank for this, whine to him. If it weren't for him, none of us would be here." He hissed.

I watched him quietly until he went around a corner. Soft footsteps approached us from behind. Archer wrapped his arms around my middle from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder. "Archer you can stop pretending, we are aware of Mortimer's arrangements with Meggie." Millicent said softly. Archer dropped his arms and stepped away from me. Roman appeared next to his mother. "What's going on, Mother?" He asked. Millicent sighed. "Meggie has been chosen." Roman and Archer's eyes widened. "I don't even know what I will be doing! Will someone please tell me what's going on?" I said, hoping one of the boys would give me an answer. Roman's mouth dropped open. "No one told her what she'll be doing? Mother she has to know!" Millicent patted his shoulder dismissively. "We are going to tell her soon, but we all have to be present. Mortimer isn't well enough at the moment and Silas is away. When Silas returns, we will tell her."

Roman stepped in front of Millicent and looked in her eyes. "Mother." he said gently. "Silas hasn't been home in months, we don't even know if he's still al-" "Enough." Millicent cut him off. "He has been notified of Mortimer's decision, and he will come. Until he arrives, we wait. Don't tell the girl anything. Archer, show her to her room. Roman, when Mortimer awakens, send him to Meggie to convince her if needed. She will be in the galaxy room." And with that, she walked down the hallway and took a right. I looked at Roman and Archer. Roman sighed and followed his mother's path down the hall and took a right, probably going to Mo. My heart sang at the thought of him, but my mind wandered to Harvey's words: "If it weren't for him, none of us would be here." What was that supposed to mean? I was brought out of my thoughts when Archer placed his hand on my shoulder. "Are you ready to go to your room?" He asked, voice low.

I sighed and looked around. "Yeah, don't see anything else to do, and Millicent seemed pretty serious." He took my hand to guide me away from a statue I almost walked into. "Mother? No, she's just worried about Silas and Mo. Silas hasn't been home since he left a few months ago and Mo nearly killed everybody when he showed up last night. I had to make sure you weren't dead." We took a left onto another long hallway and Archer continued. "You were bleeding pretty bad from your neck and shoulder." I gasped and immediately felt the spot where Mo had bitten me, and was surprised to feel nothing; no pain, no swelling. I moved my shirt aside and saw nothing. No trace or evidence that I was ever bitten. I raised my eyes to Archer. He shrugged nonchalantly. "I healed you." He started down the hall, then stopped and turned back to me when he realized I wasn't following him. "You coming?" I just stared at him, mouth hanging open. I was starting to feel dizzy from all this nonsense it had been hearing all day. "What do you mean you healed me?" I croaked out. Archer cocked an eyebrow. "Oh, Mo didn't tell you? We're fae. Ya know, like faeries?" I staggered backwards, then the world went dark.

"Meggie, wake up." I felt lips press softly to mine, then heard a small sigh. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a dark room with lights and swirling colors all across the walls and ceiling and I supposed I was in the galaxy room. I looked to my right and saw Mo sitting on the side of the bed with his head in his hands. "Mo?" I croaked. He whipped his head around and his face lit up when he saw me. "Oh Meggie, I'm so sorry! I was under my-" He stopped speaking, and seemed to think about what to say, then continued. "I wasn't in my right mind when I attacked you, and I'm sorry. Both times, actually. I would never intentionally hurt you. I love you." He picked up my hand and kissed each of my fingertips. I looked in his eyes and saw true sincerity. I was overjoyed to see him, but he hurt me. "Harvey told me you chose me. What was he talking about?" Mo's eyes widened, then his face grew dark. "How much do you know?" I thought carefully for a moment, then answered.

"I've been chosen by you and Millicent for some quest thing, I can't be told what's happening until Silas returns, but apparently he hasn't been home in a while, Archer healed me where you bit me, and you are all faeries?" Mo scowled down at his lap. "Am I right?" I asked, wanting him to say something. He sighed heavily. "Yes, Meggie, you're right. Everything you just said is true. I just wish I could've been the one to tell you this stuff." We sat in silence for a moment. "I was terrified, that night. When you bit me. I thought you were going to rape and kill me. You put the chain back on my leg and you were kissing my neck and you wouldn't stop. I was begging you but you just wouldn't stop." I didn't realize I was crying until Mo sat me on his lap and wiped my tears away. "Baby I'm so sorry." He whispered. I put my head on his shoulder and cried. He held me, comforted me while I cried. He stroked my hair and kissed my lips, my cheeks, my throat. Just comforting, gentle kisses. He wasn't trying to get anything, he was just being gentle. I felt so warm and and comfortable there in his arms. I started to get tired, so I slowly crawled out of his lap, knowing he had a confused look on his face. I laid myself down and grabbed his hand and pulled him down behind me. He placed one arm under the space between my neck and the bed, and wrapped his other arm around my waist and held my hand tightly. He snuggled into my back and squeezed me lightly. We fell asleep and didn't wake up until the next morning when Archer burst in, breathless. "Silas is here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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