Chapter 2

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Jade's P.O.V


"Excuse me mam"

I felt a little tap on my shoulder instantly causing me to freak out a little, I jumped away from the stranger waking me up from my beauty sleep. 1 thing you should probley know about me I hate... no scrap that I can't stand being touched! Not by no one I don't let me own mum hug me, so I'm sure as hell not going to let some stranger poke at me while i sleep.
"Sorry to disturb you mam but we are about to land could you please put your seatbelt on"

"Alright um yes sorry"
I half mumbled my response sleep evident in my voice.

Here I am Dublin City the old home of my family, I've pinched myself a few times still finding it hard to believe I've made it out I've made it out of hell (aka England)
Who knew finding a taxi in this place could be so hard? Yes I do know how to drive and yes I do own a car but I don't think your aloud to take vehicles on bored a plane with you. Finally a taxi pulled up on the rank (for those of you who don't know what a rank is it's just a place taxis pull up waiting for there next customer) the driver being a girl putting my pounding heart at ease just a tad
"Hiya love where to?"
"24 crumlin road please"

Here I go there's no turning back now I think to myself while we pull off, this is my fresh start. I don't plan on meeting new people and making loads of friends this isn't a fairytale my life is far from it.
If your wondering where my family are There already there at are new home waiting for my arrival, this isn't one of them stories where the girl suffers from mommy or daddy issues even though sometimes I wish it was, it's just seems like that would be an easier thing to live with. I do love my mum though and the rest of my family for that matter, I may have a funny way of showing it but I would go to the end of the earth for them.

"That would be 7 Euro then please"
"Thank you keep the change"
I force a smile thanking the lady handing here 10 euros.

I step out the taxi and out of routine I pull out a cigarette lighting it before I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding. Today is Saturday so I have the rest of today and Sunday to get to know the place I already half knew before I start my new school "sigh" school who cares about school. I say that but still try my hardest to keep my grades up, I mean I'm no smart arse but I'm no dumb arse either. Flicking my smoke away and picking up my bag as well as my courage I need to walk into my new home, I plaster the fakest smile on my face you'll ever see and prepare myself to greet my overjoyed family.

"Mum I'm going for a wonder"
I shout up to my mum hoping she can hear me so I don't have to take my shoes off to go upstairs.
"Alright darling bring your phone and stay in contact!"
I barley heard her reply which I think was attended to be a lot louder then it was considering the distance between us.
I looked at Bruce's face considering to bring him with me later deciding not to. Bruce is my dog as well as my best and only friend. Dressed in the same clothes as Earlier I Slammed the door behind me as I made my way up the half familiar street, Jesy nelsons beautiful voice blessing my ears as I tried to memorise my surroundings not fancying getting lost on my first day in this country, I have been here before many times in fact, but we stopped visiting just after I turned 14 for some reason I'm unsure of.

Not even 5 minutes into my adventure I decided I was in need of a rest, and yes I am that lazy! Don't judge. I only made it to the top of my road when i spotted wall to my right so wasting no time i climbed to the top, it wasn't exactly a big wall more on the medium side, The wall over looked a park that has seen better days and a massive Field to the left. The wall carried on all the way down the path as far as I could bring my eyes to see. Taking one of my earphones out to allow my self to hear my surroundings I once again pulled out one of my cancer sticks but before I had the chance to even begin to look for my lighter I heard a boy shout from a distance
Swinging my head around way to fast for my brain to function I came in eye contact with a flying football heading straight for my face, managing to move my head at the very last second I felt the ball very lightly scape my cheek making its way to the deserted field. phew i don't think I would have appreciated the pain that ball would have caused my face.
"Sorry love didn't see you there"
The boy who looked around my age smirked! Yep that's right you heard me correct he smirked! You nearly hit me in the face dumb ass nothing to be smirking about! Is what I wanted to reply, but you know anxiety and all that stuff kinda gets in the way.
"It it's ok don't wor worry about it"
I pathetically stuttered out my brain still suffering from the shock is what I'll use as my excuse for not being able to speak like a normal person.
"You alright yeah? Didn't hit you did it?"
His strong Irish accent spoke up once again as I looked down at him from my place on the wall I couldn't help but notice how good looking he was, he had from the looks of it dyed blonde her, stunning bright blue eyes and obviously his accent just topped it off. Is he even real? After staring for way to long I realised i have yet to reply to him.
"Oh umm yes no I mean sorry what did you say again?"
Great here I go again choking on my own words why am I like this!
He chuckled along with his friends who stood a few feet behind him.
"It's alright love you were just admiring your view no one can blame you"
He replied cocky much?
"Hehe Niall your so funny" some annoying blonde girl horrifically laughed well tried to laugh from behind him she sounded like a dying whale but hay I'm not one to judge out loud anyway.
"As I was saying I was just checking you wasn't hurt?"
He carries on completely ignoring the girls comment and There he goes again with that smirk I swear I'll slap that smirk off his face in a minute
"Alright yeah I'm fine it didn't get me"
Hoping that would have to be the finale sentence I spoke to the god like cocky stranger that stood in my line of view as his friends seemed to have got bored and walked threw the gate heading towards the park I assume but hey when was luck ever on my side?
"Good wouldn't want to damage a face as pretty as yours now would I?"
WAIT! Let me look at his face and yes you guessed it still wearing the same old smirk! One word... well 2 but shhh, FUCKBOY!
Is all I could bring myself to reply really jade really? I'm ashamed
"Your not from around here are you?"
"What gave it away"
I sarcastically reply wanting this conversation to be over already he just chuckled and jumped up on the wall next to me great.
"Why so glum chum never heard of a smile"
"One I'm not your "chum" I use my fingers to quote the word chum " and two I only smile when I'm around people I want to be around"
I mentally pat myself on the back for coming up with a reply with out choking on my words before I've even spoken them
"Ouch think I might need some ice"
He smiled WAIT WHAT! he smiled? No smirk ? HA! His accepted defeat he has no reply!
"Now if you don't mind I was enjoying my peace before you came along and interrupted"
"Sorry I'll let the ball hit you next time then"
"Who says there will be a next time?"
"Who says there won't be?"
I hate this boy having enough I decide to head home jumping down off the wall with a thud.
"Where you going?"
That voice again
"Where do you live I'll walk you it's not safe for girls to walk alone in the dark you know"
Like I'm going to turn around and give him my address
"Ummm how about no bye"
With that being said I turn on my heals and start making my way on the short journey home praying the boy doesn't follow me. His not a weirdo he wouldn't have giving you the chance to walk away so easily if he was is all I repeated to myself on my walk/run to safety aka my house

Authors note:
So that was chapter 2 for your guys let me know what you thought in the comments and don't forget to vote! And before anyone tries to correct my spelling we can't all be perfect ok 😂 I'm going to be trying my hardest to do daily updates! Thank you again see you again tomorrow! Xo

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