Chapter 5

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Hi guys before we begin I'm so sorry i haven't updated been a very weird week!

Jade's P.O.V

"Hurry up it does not take that long to put on a T-shirt jade!" Niall shouted
"Ok ok I'm coming" sighing to myself feeling so conscious of my body why can't I be like most girls... what if my shirt rises? What if he laughs at me? What if the girls make comments man I hate what if's. taking a deep breath and stepping away from the tree and out of my comfort zone I don't even look up to scared to see the disgust on his face, how have I let a boy I haven't even known 24 hours Convince me to do this.

" well fuck me" he whispered
"What do I look bad" I panic feeling that unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach here we go again I don't know why I'm worrying about it so much it's not like I'm not used to the words about to come out of his mouth but I guess I thought this was going to be my new beginning...

"Bad? If that's what bad looks like I'd love to see you looking good babe" he whistled

Wait what? Is he saying I look good? Me? As in me?

"So you don't think I look to fat then" I half heartedly laugh trying to play it off as a joke

"Fat" he chucked "baby you do realise you have to have fat to look fat Right?"

"Right" I smiled feeling some what confident

"Let's go I'm boiling just stood here" he went to grab my hand with me pulling away

"Right sorry forgot"
"Don't worry about it"
" you know looking at your friends I don't think I can get in" i mumble noticing all his friends are splashing each other or touching in some kind of
Way a sick feeling spreading through out my body

"They won't touch you don't worry I'll make sure they won't" he said coping onto why I wasn't sure on getting in.

"You can't guarantee that can you?"
"Why don't you like being touched anyway it's not like we're going to hit you or something"
"I don't want to talk about it"
I mumble I seem to be doing a lot of mumbling recently pulling at hit shirt trying to make it go longer on my legs I build up the courage to climb in the lake after Niall and make my way over to where his friends are all laughing.

"Oi guys listen up no one touch jade she doesn't like it!" Niall shouted to all his friends causing them all to look at me like I'm some kind of freak, great just what I wanted.
"Alright mate" this red head boy laughed as they all carried on with what they were doing before Niall interrupted them. Giving my best death glare I could waiting till Niall realised I was directing it to him

"What?" He laughed
Even though I can't find anything humorous about this situation
"I never said tell all your friends I'm a freak!"
I whisper shout not wanting to cause a scene and embarrass myself more then Niall already have
"What I didn't I just told them what you told me that you don't like being touched" he genuinely looked confused. I let out a sigh deciding to let it go not wanting to argue with him after all he is really my only human friend. Can I call someone I've just met my friend?
"Hay I know you can't really take part In what there doing so do you want to just walk around in the water?"
"Um sure yeah why not" I smile happy his not left me to go take part in his games

Making are way around half the lake in silence just enjoying the peace and the view he decided to break it
"Want to play a game"
"Depends on what game your wanting to play"
"21 questions?"
"Um sure" I'm familiar with the game I've never played it but I know how it works
"Ok I'll go first then... what's your second name?"
"thirlwall. What's yours?"
"Horan" he chuckled "Are you going to repeat my questions the whole way threw this game?"
"No did that count as your question"
"Did that count As yours?"
"Ok let's start again" he shook his head wearing a smile on his lips
"So jade what is your family like?"
"There nice very laid back but also protective over me.... what is the scariest thing you've ever done?"
I ask climbing onto a big rock in the middle of the lake.
" has to be when I climb out of a moving car into another one"
"Wow your crazy do I want to know why you did that?" My mouth hitting the floor
" meh it was just for fun"
Ok who does that for fun?!
"If you could only watch one movie for the rest Of your life what would it be?"
Is he kidding me right now! How am I surposed to answer that!
" um that's a tricky one I think it has to be... the fault in are stars"
"Why that movie?"
"Because it's not a stupid love story where they live happily ever after it's realistic, don't get me wrong I do love a romance film as well"
"Girls" he chuckled
"If you had to lose one of your 5 senses which one would you give up and why?"
" my sense of smell because you don't really need that to live a easy life... what do you find most attractive about the opposite sex?"
"Is that it that's a boring answer"
" I'd prefer to be treated like a princess by a beast then treated like shit from a prince" I replied not understanding why he cares
"Fair point"
"If you had the option to press restart and start life all over again would you?
"No would you?"
"Yes" I sigh picking at the lose stones on the rock
"How come?"
"You've already had your turn" I swiftly reply avoiding giving him an answer

"Niall!" We were interrupted by one of his boy mates calling him
"We're going for a kick about at the 4 corners want to come"
Before replying he looked at me as if he was asking my permission
"I don't mind I need to get going soon anyway" I shrug my shoulders
"Alright catch you up bro!" He voiced his response to his mate waiting on the reply

Turning to look at me he speaks up "come on let's go get changed you can use my towel first"
"True gentleman" I smile

Sometime later we find are selfs heading back the way we came

"So where is the 4 corners?" Curiosity getting the better of me

"Just outside my house"

"Where's that"

"Where i was sat waiting for you"

"Oh" my voice being the last word that lingered in the air till we arrived just at the top of my road or what they call it the 4 corners. Looking around I can see why they call it that, there's a corner on each side of the road where streets were bending down to different roads

"I think I'm going to head home" I yawn feeling quite tired
"Oh no come on love stay out"
"I'm honestly so tried"
"At least let me walk you home then" he kindly offered and if it was so dark out I would have declined
"Ok then but I only live down the road"
" yes I know"
" wait how did you know that?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows
"Love you just moved here onto this street I've heard we're getting new neighbors  presumed it was you.
"Alright" I smile starting to make my way down my street with Niall in tow.

Authors note: again I'm so sorry this is a late update I haven't proof read yet so let me know if there is any mistakes needing fixing thank you guys !:) x

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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