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This story is about a girl, living her life without anyone to look down to. She has only one friend, her parents don't trust her, and she still has two more years of high school to go thru. She's sixteen and trying to find out who she is, and where she belongs.

Chapter One

This Is Supposed To Be A New Start?

"I'd like to introduce are new student this year. Her name is Allison Midday. She just moved to Ottawa from Ireland." I just stood still in front of my new homeroom class. Everyone just blanked and just got back to what they were doing. Some turned around to talk. Some flipped out there cell phones and text. Still, I stood in front of the class, waiting for the hint of a spark of a new friend. The teacher assigned me my new spot, which was beside this guy called Christopher. He didn't analog the difference between and empty seat and a used one. Apparently, homeroom was just a ten minute class, where you go too to do homework and study. The bell rang and everyone moved along to there first class. I still sat in my homeroom looking at my schedule trying to figure out what the codes and numbers meant. "This is pointless." I mumbled as I got up to see the teacher.

"Excuse me, where is my schedule?" I tried to cover my Irish accent the most I could, but I failed. The teacher looked up at my hands and looked back down. "You're holding it." She muttered as she kept filling out papers and sorting out her things. "Well then, where's my next class?" I stood still, trying not to get embarrassed. She ripped the paper out of my hand and circled all my classes. "I don't know how they work in Ireland, but I'm sure I would hate to find out." She handed me back my paper. She wrote down which class was what and was the door number was to find the class. I looked up to the clock and I had three minutes to find my biology class, which the door number was 782 and I was at 605. I bailed my way out of the classroom that started to get filled up with students and walked around. I needed to get back to my locker to get my stuff, and then I had to wonder around looking for my class. I found my locker no problem because I recognized my neon yellow lock. I walked down the hallway looking at the class numbers and I was getting closer, till the hallway got into an intersection and I had no clue which way to go. I turned left, and found out the number started freshly at 700, so I walked down that hallway for a while till it led me to a staircase. I scrambled myself up them quickly, as the bell rang for first period to start. I looked at the class numbers once again, and it continued at 760. I quickly found my class, with the door close.

I must have stood there for a few minutes, not knowing what I should be doing. Until the door open and someone was getting out of the classroom because they forgot something. I looked shaky as the teacher stared at me oddly. "Are you Allison Midday?" He asked while all the other students glare at me from inside. "If I said no, would I get in trouble?" I'd be darned. You should have seen the way he looked at me. "Of course, you're supposed to be in class!" He cursed and slammed the door in front of me. "Pardon me sir, but I am Allison Midday." I squeezed myself threw the door I managed to open a bit. He just glared at me, and told me to sit down. Obviously, biology was a troubling class, because it lasted forever. Finally the bell rang and I got up to leave but the teacher asked me to stay. I stood oddly against my chair as I tried to hold in my fear. The classroom quickly got empty and he shut the door. "I didn't mark you absent; because I have a feeling you just couldn't find your class. Now, I don't want you to be late ever again. No attitude. Now go." He swung his hand towards the door and I left. I ran threw the hallway back to my locker got my schedule and got ready for English, classroom number 598. I didn't have to go very far, because my locker was beside my homeroom and English wasn't far from my homeroom. I walked past a couple of doors till I found it. I stood in the doorway for minutes, and looked around and found no one in class. I still have five minutes till class started. I just sat down on the first desk of the first row. This guy walked in and placed his stuff two desks behind me, as he went to walk out he looked at me and stopped.

"Are you Allison, the new girl from Ireland?" He checked me out as he came closer to me.

"Yes. Why?" I mumbled as I pretended I was doing my science homework.

He sat at the desk beside me, and started to laugh. "Everyone's talking about you. How you made a fool or yourself in front of your biology class and Mr. Begins kept you after class. You're quiet a newbie" He chuckled as he looked at me.

"He just warned me about being late, that was it. Things in Ireland are quiet different then they are here. I don't suppose you'd be able to adapt to your environment in a short week. I've just got here four days ago. I got just enough time to unpack, clean up, buy stuff and start school. It's hard. Making a fool of myself is nothing new. I'm clumsy and shy, so if everyone has to talk behind my back, then that's there problem. I'll adapt to it, but they won't change." I stared him down, kind of getting aggravated with him.

"I'm sure it would take me awhile to adapt too with only four days in town." He looked apologetic. "Sorry, got to go my friends are outside." He got up to leave and left the room.

Three minutes till class start, and I haven't noticed that I was actually three quarters done my biology homework. I didn't get his name, but he was quiet a cute little guy. The teacher walked in and smiled at me. She sat her stuff down at her desk and came up to talk to me. "Hi, I'm Miss Marie. You are?" She looked young maybe her early thirties. "I'm Allison Midday." She looked shocked and smiled. "I must say you do have quiet a strong accent. It's charming to meet you Allison." She turned around and went back to her desk. Today couldn't go any slower. The bell finally rang for the starting of class, and the same guy came in first. It was killing me to know his name. The teacher assigned us new places, because everyone was talking. Except for me, I was the loner. I was moved to the back while everyone was getting seated. He sat in front of me, which made English class great for me. Whole period I'd look at his long brown hair stop at his neck, till the teacher asked for the favorite quote by someone famous. Everyone went with Marilyn Monroe quotes, and quotes from John Lennon. She asked me and the only thing that came up was Beethoven. I know, from all things, his the name that came to mind. "I am resolved to wander so long away from you until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home with you, and can send my soul enwrapped in you into the land of spirits. By Beethoven." I looked at bit embarrassed; everyone looked at me once I said Beethoven. It was shocking to see so many puzzled faces at this quote. It was simple. It was about love. Though again you would hear girl complain they didn't understand, which shocked me because of all things, girls should be the one who understood it. Class ended the same way it started. I wanted to know his name. I ran after him after class till I saw him hug some pretty blond girl.

I quickly turned around and went to my locker to stuff my binder in there. I sat quietly, in the middle of the hallway leaning against my locker. Looking at people walk by, and talk, and laugh. It was lunch time, meaning we had an hour to do whatever. Someone came and sat beside me, I didn't look to see who, I was just disappointed in myself. The person beside me started to talk but I didn't catch on to anything, until the hallway got empty. "Do you understand?" a geeky voice came from beside me. I looked beside me and found a girl with curly red hair, freckles, glasses and braces. "Pardon me, I didn't catch on." I smiled a fake smile. "I was asking you if you knew the answer to number eight of are science homework. I know you're in my biology class. "Yes, I got answer to number eight. Why?" She was a typical nerd. "I was just wondering." She got up and left. "Wait!" I yelled back at her. "Yes." She turned around and smiled. "What's your name?" I mumbled, embarrassed by my question. "I'm Caroline." She turned back around and skipped back to where she was sitting. "I'm supposed to be in grade ten, because the teachers would complain that I was too advanced for there classes. So the principal decided to make me skip a great. Isn't that cool!" She giggled, that dorky laughed, while snorting. I tried not to laugh, she was dreadful. She wouldn't stop talking, and I didn't want to talk at all. Till ten minutes before the end of lunch she told me she wanted to tell me a secret. I looked at her oddly, and told her I was listening.

"People used to make fun of me, they used to call me geekatron, and stuff like that. I got tired of trying to be myself and decided to just give them what they wanted. Which is this?" She looked at herself. Pulling on her curly red hair and taking her glasses off to show them to me. "I hate Ottawa, everyone is so stereotypical. No one can be themselves, except for some. It sucks to be a teenager." She mumbled, without the dorky voice and the snorting laugh. "Why do you act like someone you aren't? Doesn't it get annoying? Don't you just want to break free?" I looked at her. "It's hard." She muttered as she got up. "Tell you what, come see me tomorrow lunch. We could talk some more if you want." I looked at her smiling. "Really, that would be nice." She got up to head to her locker to get ready for next class. "Yea, it would." I said to myself as I turned around and opened my locker.

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