Puzzles! / Date!

68 1 0

(Y/N) LV1 ??:??:??



You once appear in the Snowdin – Box Road. You walked up to a sign but looked towards the box.




It seems there are some gloves. But, the info is about ATTACK, never mind. Why would you attack someone? The first three monsters were friendly to you, except-that-stupid-weed-of-course. You hope no one is like that Flower, he was pure evil. His sinister laugh was chilling.

You kept walking onward. The puzzles were fairly easy and simple, and also because Papyrus gave away the first one. Poor skeleton got electrocuted, but hey, he was fine. Though, rather pissed at Sans' puns and lazy shit.

You couldn't help but fall in love with the brothers and mainly towards the pun master, lazy-bones, Sans.

He was rather friendly and he was caring for his...little brother. Wow, he's tall for a little brother.

"Looks like someone didn't drink enough calcium." You said sheepishly as Sans huffed a bit. On the other hand, Papyrus just beamed and told Sans 'I TOLD YOU SO!', "NYEHEHEHEHEHE!" Then he bolted off, after that bridge incident. That was very scary, but, luckily Papyrus thought it was too much, too unfair, and too dangerous. "Hey, thanks for cheering up and going with the flow with my bro, (Y/N)." Sans said as he stood beside the bridge's wooden poles. You nodded, smiling, "No problem, Sans."

~ Time Skip ~

Sans had warned you about Papyrus' special attack, it seems the blue color means to not move or else you get hit. It was like that Doggo person. You took noticed he only waved a blue sword but didn't detect movement, so you were safe. It was funny to see his crazy reaction to being pet and he thought it was no movement. Silly Doggo. You giggle to yourself as you arrive to the main Snowdin.

You saw the sign.

Welcome to Snowdin!

You noticed it also had Christmas lights, is it always Christmas here?

You shrugged it off and kept walking but spot the same glowing yellow pulsing star. You wonder if others took notice of a strange star in front of the SHOP and INN. And the other places you've been to. Or, it could only be just you.


You shuddered at the thought of touching something, while others look at you as if your touching the...well. Nothingness. This seems to be like a game to you, ever since that MENU appeared, or even that RESET button, even when you summon your own INVENTORY. It felt oddly like a game and wondered if everyone else here in the Underground knew about it. But it seems everyone is clueless, you hoped to ask Sans about it. He looks like an understanding guy, he wouldn't snap or anything right? Right...?


You went inside the SHOP and noticed it was another furry. Well, a bunny to be exact.

She talked about how the skeleton brothers randomly popped up, so it would be amusing to watch when you have nothing to do. You giggled a bit as well as the bunny friend. You bought two cinnamonbuns. You waved your goodbye and headed out. Next was the INN, it seems to be free. Which you're glad.

~ Time Skip ~

That was a fresh sleep, you've been walking for hours.

You were kind of shocked yet, sheepishly laughing because the...well...another bunny told you, you only slept for 5 minutes.

Undertale! Sans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now