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Hey so the pic at the top is her outfit in the story later on so enjoy and hope you like this chapter!
"You did not do anything," I said in a whisper. "We saw that your pack members didn't like us so we avoided you" I continued in a more louder whisper. "Of course we don't like you. Who would like hybrids." The same girl said. "You got a problem with hybrids?" Cole asked. "Hmm?" Mars hummed while giving them the death glare. "I do" Someone said. It was the guy that said Cole was his. "Then I guess we can't be together" Cole said. The guys whole body slumped and his face changed from happy to have his mate, to panic because he is about to lose his world. "What!? Why?!" He asked in a panicked tone. "Because I am a hybrid and I don't want you to have a problem with me" he said looking away from the guy. I hugged Cole. "Come on let's go inside and calm you down. Also no you guys can't come because you can't expect a simple hybrid into your life." I said and picked Cole up and took him in the house to calm down. I walked backed out. Forest and River where coming close but I moved away. All you could hear was that poor guy whimpering because his mate was crying and he was the cause of it. "Miss!" He ran up to me "please I beg of you tell him I am sorry. Please! Please!" He said in a emotional tone. "Go in there and tell him" I said. He ran in there faster then any werewolf has moved in years. "What did we do?" The boys whined. "Nothing. I just don't wanna hurt you." I said but the second part in whisper. "Are you all hybrids," Forest asked. "Yes" we said. "What are your other halves" River ask. We all blushed but Avery she looked like she was ready to go at him. "Excuse me, but asking that question is like your asking a Angel to never fly again!" She said. I started giggling. "Zoella I will come to you, then fight you, child," Avery said. I stopped and backed away. "Nice little hybrid" I said in a joking tone. "Your so dead!" She said as she bolted after me. I squealed and ran away. "Cole help me. I am going to die. Help!!" I yelled running in a zig zag way. "Your on your own last time I angered her vixen spirit I was pushed into their pack territory" he said pointing to his mate. She tackled me down. I hit my head on a rock. "Oww" I squealed out. "Zoella are you okay," Violet asked. I felt dizzy, things were getting blurry. "Someone hold Forest and River." I heard Mars say. My vampire skills were kicking in but now I felt a new one awake. Oh great! "Let us go. She is hurt. Zoella!!" I heard. The only thing going threw my head was to end that sudden urge to calm their wolves. 'New girl do you mind' I asked. 'Yep np' I heard her say in my mind.

River's POV

I watched Avery chase Zoella around the yard smiling. Then Avery tackled Zoella to the ground and the words that came outta her mouth made my wolf wanna bolt to get to Zoella no matter who was in the way. "Oww," we heard. "Someone holds Forest and River," Mars said. "Let us go. She is hurt. Zoella!!" Forest yelled. 'Calm down you two she has this all under control' said a strange voice says in my head. 'Who are you' Forest's Wolf Jeremy asked. 'I am Aquamarine. One of Zoella's lovely sides.' She said. 'Well I am Jeremy and this is my twins' wolf, Brandon.' Jeremy said. Our conversation was cut off by a scream and a peaceful song from the wind. 'Gtg bye' she said. I looked over at our beautiful mate who was now floating in the air. Her appearance was changing. It started with her feet. Her shoes changed from sneakers to sanders that laced up her legs in a ballerina way. Next was her outfit her torso and some of her legs started to glow. They changed into a nice skirt with a crop top that attached to the skirt. Next, her back grew wings. Her hair was the last thing it changed from it's amazing color to a Rosa pink-ish color. I looked at my brother and his face was priceless.

Zoella's POV
This side helped heal that cut on my head. I look at my mates, their faces were indescribable. I started to panic. Do they not like me, are they gonna reject me!?! I suddenly shivered. They must have noticed since they hugged me. Which gave me a lot of warmth. "Do I look ok?" I asked. They looked at each other. I backed away and looked down. "Hell yeah, you do!" They said together. Which made me smile. "Omg, your second side finally came. Who know all it took was Avery tackling you" Mars said. I punched him in the shoulder lightly. He giggled at my action. "Now Zoella cares to share that locating with me now," my aunt said suddenly appearing behind Cody with a knife to his throat. I growled allowing all my side to show, because right now I wanted to show her not to mess with me and that I was dominant around here. "Nice try little hybrid but he dies if anyone moves." She said. Cody walked right into the knife. "You idiot!!" His mate said and started crying.
Massie's  POV
"I would run. I like a good chase" I said. If you don't know me I am Zoella's vampire side. My whole name is Massima but I go by Massie. "I have been dying for your blood for ages." My aunt said. "We are with you" my friends said. "Minions kill all of them leave the males tho" she laughed. All the girls snarled at her. I heard a groan. 'You are an idiot you know' Aquamarine said. I walked over to Cody. I sued up his neck and sat down on the ground. I started to sing his favorite lullaby. "When I am Queen Dilly Dilly you will be King. Dilly Dilly. We shall be safe dilly dilly outta harms way dilly dilly" I sang. I swayed with the rhythm. "Call up your friends dilly dilly" I continue. I continued to sing no one knew why. I got up and started to dance around his body in my angel form and kept singing. I must have repeated it 9 times before I stopped and smiled. Then he coughed. "Yes!!" I danced around in victory. "I knew you would remember." He said. "Remember What?" Mars asked. "Lavender's Blue is grandma's song that she used when I jumped off a roof to save a kitten and a puppy," I said in a soft tone. Kinda embarrassed. "Cole!!" His mate ran up to him and hugged him super tight. "Well then if we are not here to fight for what we want we should have it by now" my aunt said. "If you want I can rip your head off because lately my wolf really wants to attack something," Cole said with a growl. I giggled, everyone looked at me weirdly. "She thinks she can beat us" I said giggling harder. "I know I can." She said with a scowl on her face. "Did someone forget they have mates?" A minion said. I looked around like everyone else did. I froze, my mates were gone. Poof like magic. My whole body wouldn't, couldn't move. "Surround Zoella we have to protect her she is to vulnerable" Mars said. All my friend and siblings even some packed members surrounded me. 'We need to find mates' my werewolf Coral said. 'Ok I will stay here in my vulnerable state you guy try to get to their wolves.' I said and everybody went to work. I started to shake showing I might break if didn't have them soon. Everyone saw this and was looking around for them. 'I have Jeremy here. They are freaking out because they can feel your displeasure right now. I know where they are let me take over.' Coral said.

Coral's POV
I ran as fast as I could. I could feel someone trying to wake up that should stay asleep for a good more time. Zoella was trembling in a corner. I moved at a fast jog and got there and down to their cell fast. I opened the door really fast. I gave Zoella control.

Zoella's POV
I was trembling in the back of my mind wanting River and Forest. Right now Coral had control, she was moving fast. When she gave me the the the the control I almost fell to the ground but River pick me up and hugged me. Safety is all I felt and I was happy for it. Forest was sniffing my neck making sure I was okay. I kissed both of their cheeks and smiled. "Come on we have to go home now," I said trying to get down but when River put me down Forest picked me up. I groaned but didn't complain, it was kinda nice to be carried by your mate.
Hey me here I hoped you enjoyed this chapter I made it long for everyone who reads this book. I will be posting the next update maybe tomorrow or Monday but as always. Comment. Vote. Hope you have a good life. As always Butterflunk signing off. Bye!!!

(Word count: 1619)

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