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Hey everyone. I had this idea in the car driving to work. Been slowly ironing out the details for two days and here we go. Guess now I don't have to pick between which girl I want to do first for a story.



Lotus looked in the mirror making sure his hair was covering his ears. His twin hogged the bathroom for a good 45 minutes. "Dude? Really? The heck were you doing in here?"

"Chill out Lotus."

"Light. C'mon."

"Boys. No arguing. Come down. I want to have a final meal before your boat trip." Called the mother.

"Sorry boss."

"Coming Ma."

Light got to the table first as Lotus came down a minute behind. They sat down as their mother had picked up rolls of sushi for the special occasion. It was hard for her as well as any mother to watch her boys speed off. It was only for school but she was going to be left with an empty house. She handed out the chopsticks and poured the mini side bowls of soy sauce. Then sat back in her seat at the side of the table.

"Boys. I am proud of both of you." She smiled.

"Thanks Ma. Couldn't have do it without you of course. Only time now before hopefully pass and get to the field." Smiled Light.

"One thing at a time. My only kids are leaving me. Don't have me go further." The mother giggled.

"Well Light is right. We have been training with the help of each other after since Dad has been out of the picture." Lotus took a bite.

"Boys it's been seven years." Frowned their mother.

"Well you deserve better. Mom not kidding around. If you found a man worth the time we would meet him. No hard feelings." Lotus trying to ease it.

She gripped her hands into fists. "I know. It's just, hard. The guilt."

"We're scared too. We used our hair to hide our ears. We will run into humans too. Some Fanus I'm sure. But I have no idea how humans will treat us. Some well and obviously some miserably. But they got not one but two to mess with."

"Yeah Light. With reason of course. I don't think their would be any anti-fanus cults at Beacon but guard always up. Just to think though, what will we experience?"

"Lotus first one to get a date will have the other make Ma's milkshakes." Chuckled Light.

"Really? A bet on milkshake and cookies? Their is three things you don't joke about Light. Good fish like tonight, pie, and milkshake with cookies. Don't mess with me."

Both the boys started to burst out laughing as their mother shook their head. She was overwhelmed by the jokes these two could make. Tomorrow night being in an empty house was going to be difficult. "I must say I am going to miss you boys more than anything. Please call me when you get there safe. But I have a few rules for you boys. You aren't out of my hands just yet."

"Name them."

"Of course. Go ahead."

"Boys. Better each other. No jealousy. You two are equal. Always will be. You both have the same semblance and are both good with a sword."

"Guns too."

"That's one. Two. Do not bring up your father. We aren't to speak of that man. He's a prick. Three. This is most important. Do not hide any girl from me. I don't care where she comes from, if she's human, or what. I will do my best to meet her sometime. She better treat my baby boys right. And obviously the two of you expected to be gentleman. Is that clear? No babies! Just because you are in dorms doesn't mean that my boys are going to sleep around. The two of you are better than that. I will spank those cat asses with an iron skillet!"

"YES MA'AM!" They flinched.

She smiled like she said nothing. "Okay. Thanks boys."

Phew. Not the skillet. The boys thought.

"I think you two get it. But I will be kept busy. Hope all goes well boys. I'm here. Always. Good sleep tonight. Boat ride will be a day or so on the ship. Be good. And Lotus? Light? I'm beyond proud and filled with joy. Give them hell who stand in front of you. Make friends. And do not get your mind clouded. My boys aren't broken. They are mature, out going, friendly, and most helpful. The world needs you now. I love you both."


Lotus and Light are going to be an amazing concept to work with. Will take some time but really looking forward to what they will do. As far as how their team will be structured, interactions, classes, and then moving on to the arc around the end of Volume 1 just to get that started.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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