Ch 2 - Landing

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One with an Heiress and the other keen on not liking where this is going. How is the begining of this going to be? Dorm arrangements and all.



The ship was landed as both brothers looked at each other. Both with different reactions. (SN) smiled trying to look innocent as his brother just shook his head.

"Got it bro?"

"Yeah (SN). But please next time ask."

"Sorry. But it is for is for Weiss. She seems nice."

"Be careful with that. My belongings are fragile. They must have care." Ordered Weiss.

Nice. Okay. I'll remember that. (FN) lifted with his knees as he helped onto a cart. Not thrilled but he knew it was a good tactic to keep enemies close. Barely saying two words to Weiss was a hello. Helping her with luggage was a form of trust. Breaking the wall down and getting to know her was just scratching the surface. For the both of them knew she was a spoiled, judgemental, racist, brat. Guard completely up and thinking through before opening the mouth.

It took a few minutes before her trunks where loaded as you rolled her stuff closer to the main building at campus. But then they noticed someone else. Black hair, yellow eyes, the way she walked. Sounds like a beautiful woman that enters the room and everyone turns to look. For them they knew exactly who that was.

Belladonna. My goodness. Her too?

No way. The daughter of the ex leader.

Both shook. They knew Blake was part of the White Fang. Not knowing exactly her role. Why was she at Beacon? What's her game and motives? Everyone has their reasons for being somewhere. What was hers if she was dating a high rank White Fang position and had the skills? She could be home in Menagerie. So why school? Nothing was lining up.

It was all crazy how everything transpired. Weiss was getting into it with this sweet girl Ruby and she was so nervous about just being there. After Weiss scolded her she then got into it with Blake after she got told off that she did not like the Schnee ways of doing business. A tad rattled yet continued onward. After making poor Ruby feel two inches tall and after taking slander from Blake she seemed okay. Just okay that is.

"So where do we put these for the time being?" (FN) asked.

"I have heard we sleep in the ball room tonight. Ugh. I need peaceful sleep. Not this military style nonsense." Weiss complained.

"I understand your feelings. And we both can't lie that we have never shared a common sleeping area with girls. But we're gentleman. Just putting that out there." (SN) covered up.

"Thank you. Nice to know both of you appreciate." Weiss nodded with a smile.


After Professor Ozpin had made a speech in the auditorium everyone was off to gradually drift off to sleep. Lucky for some everyone able to have plenty of space. Even with all the students enrolling their was plenty of room for arm and leg space.

"Hey (SN) don't ever do that again. We're not a one man moving company."

"Brother it was for a cause."

"For what? Back pain?" Chuckled (FN).


"I can agree. But you know. At least we got plenty of room though. Wonder who's next to me as you got the corner."

"What? C'mon dude it's in my nature."


"Hey guys." Said a voice popping a squat on his sleeping back. "I'm Indigo. My friends call me Indy." A guy with the same color hair as his name at short length with light blue eyes.

"Hey Indy. I'm (FN). And this is my twin (SN)."

"Nice to meet you guys. Hope we can all get through this together with everyone."

"What do you mean?" Asked (SN).

"Well we have hard classes ahead and monsters to slay. Maybe some combined group missions or something. I don't know. Kind of rambling I guess." He laid down on his back. 

"Yeah. Not sure if their are teams are anything but hope to meet you on the other side."

(SN) smiled. "Same Indy. You can probably tell by now who's friendly and who's a jerk. We all have a reason and purpose of being here. It's just whether we can pass and all get along. And if we don't in our nature we will clash."

"Hey (SN) since when did you become the smart one?"

"Night bro."

"I hate it when you do that."

At that everyone wanted to get a solid night's sleep. It was going to be a long day tomorrow going through the entrance trial. As everyone looked around at the dozen students. All in which has their own fates, abilities, and characteristics. Yet the rumors and gossip about teams spiraled. How was this going to pan out?


It was almost time to get at it and head off to the cliff top. Professor Ozpin was patiently waiting and drinking coffee as the others went into the locker room to prepare. Weird that the lockers were co-ed. It was for mainly storing weapons, ammo, and dust but the concept for some seemed different. No one offended are thought it was wrong, however just different.

"609 man. I got 610." (FN) said to his brother as got out his sword. "Hello Honey. You miss me?" He pulled out his Compass Blade. A sword sharp at all four ends that could also fire twelve gauge shots. 

"Chireign (Chi-reign) certainly missed me." (SN) laughed. He pulled out his short gun blade. A short sword that in emergency could release a major .45 caliber shot.

"You talk to your plants the same way?" Chuckled a girl a few lockers over. An icy purple hair at the shoulders, blue eyes, and pretty pink lips greeted the two. "If so you must have a beautiful garden at home."

The two boys looked at each other and laughed.

"We do." Admitted (FN).

"Guilty. We water the fish and feed the plant." Chuckled (SN).

"Hehe. Isn't it the other way around?" She asked.

"Fish are my prey. Garden is my joy. I got it right."

"Alright. Whatever works. I'm Crystal. Can't wait to see you out there. Best of luck boys."

(SN) watched Crystal walk away. She had a black t-shirt hoodie and a skirt that matched her eyes. Her small heels clicked against the floor as she smiled at them again. Mom would like her. She really would. Guess it's time to get to the field. Here we go.


Now I'm sure some have a few questions. Here is just a few notes.

The twins think Blake still has ties to the White Fang.

They are close to Weiss to see if they can get any intel in the future.

Crystal is a beautiful girl I envisioned and is quite the wife material. If she's an anime girl she could really crack someone's list.

It's now time for liftoff as everyone is about to be deployed from the cliff. What is going to happen once everyone is spring-boarded?

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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