Another Love? (a TFIOS story)

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"Hazel, wake up. Isaac is here." I heard my mom and put my pillow over my head. "I'm sleeping," I moaned. "Seems to me like you're pretty awake. I'll leave you two alone." I sat up in my bed and looked around. Issac was standing there looking out the window. Although, I'm pretty sure he didn't know he was looking out of the window, anyways. "Hi, Isaac." He turned around to the sound of my voice and felt for my bed so he could sit down. "Hazel. Is it a sunny day? Or is it cloudy? Somehow I get the sense that the sun is shining brighter than ever," Isaac said. I looked out the window, and saw a perfect day. "Yeah, Issac it's sunny day Sunday, perhaps." He smiled.

"From this day forth- What day is it, Hazel Grace?"

I was up and brushing my hair when I answered. "It's July 1st." He continued," July 1st shall be the sunny day. Even if it's raining outside it will still be the sunny day. Okay?"

I smiled remembering Augustus. "Okay, Isaac."

"Isaac, I just want to say thank you. For being here for me, as my faithful friend who helped me through this. I'd still be crying every single day if it weren't for you, Issac. My best blind friend," I said. Isaac fiddled with the strings hanging from his hood. "You mean your only blind friend," he corrected. "But the best one I'll ever have."

Isaac left about thirty minutes later saying he really had to go but he wished he could stay longer. My mom doesn't understand me the way Isaac does. When I cried he would always say, 'Cry, Hazel. If you keep it in it will consume you. It's ok to cry.' While my mom would tell me that crying wouldn't bring him back. I think that Augustus would want me to not forget about him, but not to dwell on this either. He'd want me to try to find love. To not be lonely the rest of my life. I just didn't know if I could do it. I'd always love Augustus even if I do someday find someone to fall in love all over again with. It'll be hard. I know it will, but not impossible.


"Mom, we can't move. This is our home, I know what it looks like here. I've seen it all before. To go somewhere else, to leave that's- it's not gonna happen." I couldn't believe she told me we were moving. I can't move. Hazel is here. This is where Augustus is buried. This is where we egged Monica's car. All my memories are here. aThis is where my heart is and it's not going anywhere else. "Issac I don't expect you to understand, but your dad needs to work and-" "Work? Why can't he find a job here? Aren't there plenty of places? I'm not moving. I won't. You can't make me!" I shouted.

"Isaac. It's settled there's no questions. We move in a week." She got up and left, leaving the door open. I could remember my way to the door so I grabbed the door and slammed it as hard as I could. I stumbled back to my bed and sat there while I cried myself to sleep.


It's exactly 5:00 AM when my phone rings on my bedside table. It's Issac.

"Hello? Isaac is everything all right?"

"No. It's not. Mom told me today and I just can't," he said.

"Can't what, Isaac?" I was confused and a little bit worried.

"Mom said we're moving. Like to another state and I told her I wouldn't and she just said it's final that we're going. There's nothing I can do," he said while I could tell he was slightly crying.

"Isaac. Oh my gosh, Where are you moving? Do you know?"

"She said Florida I think. About 5 hours from here. Hazel, I don't wanna go to Florida. There's no Haze Grace. There's no memories there either," he was sobbing now.

"Isaac. Come over? No, I'll come pick you up ok? When do you want me to?" I asked. I know he wanted someone to talk to and I would always be there for him.

"Right now. Please, I mean, I know it's early but-"

"Yeah, okay," I said and hung up.

I talked mom into letting me go and while I was driving up I could see Issac. He had made his way onto the edge of the sidewalk and was pulling grass out of the ground. The car was parked and I headed over towards Issac. "Hey, Isaac."

"Hazel Grace, is that you?" he asked and tried to walk towards my voice. I quickly walked to him and helped him to the car. There was a scrape on his forehead and blood slowly dripped from it. "Issac, what happened to your face?" I asked.

"I mean it's bleeding. There's a scrape."

He touched his forehead and felt the wet blood on his fingertips. "Well I didn't really see it, as you know, but I was sitting there and something or someone threw something, it felt like a rock, right at my forehead," Isaac said and found the door handle and sat down in the car, only to bang his head on the roof of the car. "Stupid car," he mumbled. I grabbed a tissue and placed it on Isaac's face. "Hold the tissue there to keep the blood from dripping. Rough morning, huh?" I asked. "Whoever or whatever threw this rock at Issac should be sorry! You don't wanna mess with us! We'll egg your car!" I shouted out the window while I was driving to my house. Isaac was laughing and smiling. "And we may not look like much with our two eyes and 1 and a half pairs of working lungs! But we would also have two dozen eggs! So don't mess with us!" he shouted. We were both laughing and in that moment I realized something. I couldn't bring myself to admit it just yet, but soon. "Thanks, Hazel. For coming to get me, and always being there, and for never leaving. When I say that I feel bad because I'm leaving. I don't want to, but I really can't just stay here. No parents when your blind. That wouldn't be very good. I couldn't find my way around my own house if it weren't for them," Isaac said and I placed my free hand on his shoulder.

"Isaac, thank you. You might be leaving, but I'll never forget you. We'll call each other, every day."

"Every day," Isaac said. "And facetime?" I asked. "But I can't see you."

"But I can see you," I said and smiled.

"Are you smiling, Hazel Grace?" He asked.

I smiled even bigger then. "Yes, Isaac I'm smiling like a blind man who found out there was robot eyes so he could see again."

"I still miss him, ya know." I knew who he was talking about. He didn't have to say it.

"Yeah me too, Isaac. I know he's happy though, that we didn't forget him. He will always be remembered. By us," I said.

"Come on, Issac," I said and grabbed his hand. "Where are we going?"

I led him outside and grabbed two chairs for us to sit on. "We're outside." I led him right in front of the chair. "Sit down," I said.

"Are you to my right or my left?" He asked.


"Okay. I have to look at you when I say this. I know I'm not really looking at you, because I can't see, but I'm still looking at you," he said. I wondered what he was about to say. I couldn't think of anything in particular he would need to tell me.

"Hazel, we've grown closer ever since, ya know.. And it's always great with you around. You understand me, you help me. And I've been thinking if I should tell you this or not. Please, don't let this be awkward but..." He paused for a moment. "But what, Isaac?" I asked.

"I think I'm in love with you." He said it. "Isaac-" I started.

"Now, before you say that you can't love another, that Gus was your only love, I get that. But, I thought you should know what I felt. I had to tell you and-"

"Isaac," I grabbed his hand," I think I love you too."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I would really like your feedback!!! I would also like to know if I should continue with this story or not? Thanks and please comment what you think!!!!! :)

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