Tuesday, may 15th 2018

35 0 0

Its 12:17 AM...so, i figured why not now log after the day is over?..

Not many good things happened today...at all really...

In health we startes the family life unit, me, being shy af, wasn't ready, but tomorrow, we talk about bisexuality and homosexuality, which is exciting for me since im bi!..

Language arts was relatively boring. Not much happend..

Science, were discussing evolution, which me personally. Is what i believe in, im not religious.

Social studies was..odd...for me...we where given the hypothetical question of "if america where to be invaded by isis and terrorist and everything was dying and burning, how would you feel?", and be being all emotional and such, being able to imagine it all in my head to the point of almost crying terrifies me...

But, my response was, " Id be terrified. Id regret so many things and things i should of done, but at the same time wish and hope for so much more and for the best." And everyone's answers where different. I didnt share mine, of course...

Then lunch, per ususal sitting with my friends at the overflow table.

Then came gym, which, we had to run the pacer. And im not exactly athletic, id rather spend my time drawing than running around and crap. But i had gotten a low score, and i just slowly incrisingly become dissapointed in myself...i feel like theres a main goal to everyone. Or some "perfect standard" We have to achive at school...its one of the reasons why i hate it so much...

So after that, was math, which was fun to watch this one girl i hate bitch at people from across the classroom, on one hand, i wanna walk up and bitch slap her, on the other hand, i wanna sit back and watch, its pretty funny.

So, after that i went home!...not...much really happened..gbm was busy pretty much all day, i missed him quite alot, even now he's not here, so im assuming he's asleep...i basically just played minecraft all day, and started drawing something for a new friend of mine?..ill just call em "cool kid" Cause he seems cool, im just scared of ruining possible friendships on the fact of how odd i can be at times, so i get paranoid...

But yea, thats really all thats happend today....

Second entry end

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