june 1st (pride month!), 2018

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Today has been...okay?...i guess...

Nothing much really happened today....school happened. Nothing to great happened there really, firsy friday's was today, which is like, a lil gathering festival kinda thingy every frist friday of every month in our down town area. My mom said yesterday that we where gonna go, but turns ou we wheren't and they went out to dinner instead...so i tried textinf alex or izeah if they where there so i could hang out with them, cause i was pretty lonely, since gbm is with his friends and stuff, and he was being all sweet and adorable before he left, so i miss him a bit more than usual..but my friends didnt really give me a responce...so i just stayed home and layed in bed drawing....its currently 10:17, gbm still isn't back, and all my other friends are busy,  So i still feel lonely....but eh, its whatever...ill just try to improve on my drawing skills while im here...or play with my pet rats or something...its also pride month though! So thats good!, shout out to all u LGBTQ+ people and you allys along with them!

Bye childrenz!-

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