Chapter One: Pilot

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     "Lucy! Get out of bed before I have to come up there and get you out myself!" 

I heard the banging on my door early in the morning through the thick fog of sleep clouding my mind. I groaned and rolled onto my back and rubbed my eyes.

I glanced at the clock on my nightstand next to me and wondered how anyone could ever wake up this early.

"5am.." I slung my foot over the edge of my bed and winced as my bare foot hit the cold hardwood of my bedroom floor.

I groaned once more before completely standing up to go find my outfit for the first day at this new school, Fée Dorée acadamey.

"Lucy! Are you up?!"  I heard my mom, Layla, yell from the bottom of the stairs. The distant smell of breakfast made my mouth tingle at the thought of food after a restless night.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm up!" I walked into the bathroom that branched off from my room and glanced in the mirror. I frowned as I was disappointed at how bad I looked. I opened the cabinet and pulled out a hairbrush and began tugging at the knotted mess I call my hair.

After I finally got through the last tangle, I brushed my teeth then I quickly put my hair into a ponytail and began putting a bit of lib gloss on, no too much though, just enough to add a bit of a shine.

I left the bathroom in a rush and began sorting through all the clothes in my possession in attempt to find an outfit, eventually I gave up and just went with a pale yellow t-shit and some denim jeans with white converse. Not too flashy right?

I walked over to my nightstand and picked up my glasses and placed then on the bridge of my nose so I could see clearly again.

I grabbed my bookbag and slung it over my shoulder and ran down the stairs as the smell of food increased. 

I sat down at the table as my mom was handing out plates of food to me and my dad. As she placed my plate in front of me, she kissed me on top of my head.

"Sleep okay, sweetie? You look tired still." My mom said with a concerned look. She sat down and picked up her fork but before picking up any food she looked to me for an answer.

"Yeah it's just first day nerves I guess. You know?" I looked at the clock and realized I would be late if I didn't hurry and finish my food. 

I quickly ate the bacon and eggs on my plate and practically jumped out of my chair and grabbed my book bag.

"Well have a good day at school today, okay?" She gave me a warm smile and came up, hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. I nodded and headed for the door.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be there at eight...Yeah, ok." I heard my dad on the phone at the table still.

He can't even say bye to his daughter before she goes to school? Go figure.

I turned the knob and opened the door and walked out, basically running to my car so I wouldn't be late. I opened the car with the key and jumped in and started the engine. I then quickly backed out of the driveway and made my way to my new school.


As I pulled into the lot of cars and highschoolers, I smiled at all the individual groups; the jocks, preppies, goths, nerds, and the people nobody knows.

I parked my blue Grand Cherokee somewhat close to the entrance so I didn't have to walk through the groups and get eyes pinned on me, the new girl. I pulled the key out of the ignition and opened the car door and stepped out.

I took a deep breath and began walking towards the main entrance. I ended up getting a few side glances here and there but not enough to make me uncomfortable. As I stepped into the school, I gawked at the size and beauty of what looked like Hogwarts from Harry Potter. 

The chandelier high in the room shone bright with off white lights in the main lobby-like-room, I looked around the well lit area in awe as everyone passed by as if the room like every other one in the world.

I pulled myself out of my daydream and walked up to the front desk where a blond haired girl that looked way to young to work here sat doing work on the monitor.

As I arrived at the desk I saw the name tag blandly sitting atop her workstation: Mavis Vermillion. She looked like she was maybe thirteen years old and yet she was basically a receptionist at a high end institute. 

After making a few final clicks on the computer, Mrs. Vermillion looked up at me and smiled. 

"I've been here a long time, you must be new, huh?" She said in a lighthearted voice. Something about her made her seem more alive then most in the world.  She sat in her swivel chair on her knees which made her come off even more childish.

"Uh, yeah I'm new here, I have a question?" I asked not speaking too loudly to the point where the other students passing by could hear me. "I don't know my way around this school and I don't know where my first class is. I would hate to be late on my first day, you know? Do you think you could find someone to help me around just for today?" I said to the teacher without making direct eye contact.

She was looking back down at her computer and was quickly typing away at the keyboard but had still managed to hear every word I had said. 

Taking one hand away from her typing craze, she reached over to her left and pressed a button on a machine with a microphone. 

"Attention all students, will Juvia Lockser please report to the main desk, I repeat, Juvia Lockser to the main desk." She returned her hand and perfectly synced it back with the other hand and began typing again, more quickly this time, she finally pressed enter and returned her gaze back to my direction.

"Do you have your schedule yet or did you not receive that yet?" She removed her legs out from under her and stood up out of her chair, ready to go get my schedule.

I rummaged through my bag and pulled out a pale blue sheet of paper with my school day printed out on it.

"No I have it." I held up the sheet as proof, then she nodded in approval.

"What did I get called down here for, Mrs. Vermillion?" A bright blue hair girl emerged next to me, not giving me a single glance to acknowledge my existence. She was like a big raindrop, she wore brown platform shoes with a blue dress with white polka dots. Her eyes were the deepest shade of blue I've ever seen in someone's eyes.

She really was stunning in all honesty. 

"Juvia, this is Lucy, she's a new student, and as the president of the school welcoming committee, it's your responsibility to take care of her needs for the day."

Juvia looked over at me and smiled, she really did seem like a nice person. In return I smiled back.

"Hi Lucy, I'm Juvia Lockser, where are you transferring from?" She slightly tilted her head as if to emphasize her question. 

"A school you wouldn't know, but I'm transferring from Montana." I turned back to Mrs. Vermillion and smiled and thanked her for her help. I turned back to Juvia then glanced at the clock on the office wall. Class started in four minutes.

"Well I guess I'll show you where your first class is? Let me see your schedule." I handed her the blue paper and she quickly scanned over it. "Mr. Guildarts? He's a good teacher, you'll get used to his strange sense of humor and goofiness eventually." Juvia said with a pure smile.

Juvia showed me around the school for the rest of the day, showing me shortcuts, class locations and whatnot. I really did feel like I already made one friend here at my new school.

Maybe this year won't be as bad as I thought.


I didn't mention I'm writing a new story? Wellll yeah I am :)

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