Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

“Come on James, let me out, just this once?” I pleaded from my bed.

“No, I’m sorry Katerina but after that stunt you pulled the other day your parents would have my head if they knew I let you out of your room.” He gave me an apologetic smile and stepped inside the room with me. “I also wouldn’t like to lose my job, so if you could stop asking me and stop making that face, it would make it MUCH easier to say no to you.”

“Look, I know it’s my fault I’m stuck here because I was the one who pulled all those pranks all weekend while family and friends and some important diplomats were staying over, but you have to admit it was funny.” I said as I poked his side. His lips curled up slightly but he quickly wiped the small smile from his lips.

“I can’t let you out, now I will, step out this door and you will leave me alone until your parents say your punishment is over, have a great day Miss.” I growled and threw a pillow at him to get him to turn toward me and stop him from leaving.

“Please? You’re a year older than me, you should understand the AGONY I’m going through right now. I mean, I never get to go out for fucks sake and I’m being punished for being a normal teenager. Please help me out? I promise I won’t rat you out. I’ll just say I slipped out while you weren’t paying attention. I can also go for another alternative. You know, hit you over the head to make it look like I tried to make a run for it?” I grinned and he sighed.

“Fine, but I’d like to go with the first option thank you, I’d rather not give you the power to give me a concussion in order to hide your little scheme.” I jumped off my bed and ran toward him to give him a huge bear hug. It had been FOUR WHOLE DAYS since I’ve gotten the chance to even breathe fresh air and feel the sun on my skin. The doors that lead to my bedroom’s balcony have been kept locked and I wasn’t allowed to go outside of my room, not even for food. The food was always brought to me by the cranky old lady named bertha who I swear hates people, animals, and well everything. She keeps away from people and animals as if they had some infectious disease or as if they were the scum of the earth. She was a mean old hag. She once kicked the most adorable puppy (literally) out of the palace gardens because the poor thing was looking for food in the small trash cans we have scattered here and there to keep the palace gardens clean.

“THANK YOU! I owe you BIG time. You just saved me from dying of absolute boredom.” I grabbed the keys to my balcony door from him and unlocked the doors. I rushed down the tree and stepped on the freshly cut grass.

“I was waiting for you to step outside, I wasn’t sure if you’d be able to convince that incredibly hot guard of yours to let you out.” My best friend Isabel, the only person who understands me completely, steps from behind a rose bush and gives me a bone crushing hug.

“Oof! You’re stronger than you look. Now let me go before you fucking kill me.” I wheeze.

She laughs and slaps me on the side of my head. “You know I won’t kill you, you’d never let me.”

“Damn right bitch.” We head to her car which is parked behind a wall on the east side of the palace where guards are on break and eating their hearts out in the employee lunch room we had made for them. Once we were inside the car we just move on to Starbucks to get a Very Berry Hibiscus for me and a Caramel Frappuccino for Isabel and decide to sit outside.

“So now, let’s get down to business because, code red. Meaning EMERGENCY.” I rolled my eyes.

“Obviously. Spit it out already, you’re starting to make me nervous.”

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