Chapter Five: Broken Whiskey Glass

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Present Day...

Being jolted out of sleep at two in the morning is nothing new for me. The thing is, it hasn't happened in years. I glance at the clock beside my bed and sit up, rubbing my eyes. My phone begins to ring again and I reach for it. I answer without checking the display.


There's a pause.

"Um, Tess. It's Phil down at The Watering Hole. I have Perry down here and I know it's late but I also know he's on parole so..."

His rambling voice trails off and I'm starting to get an instant head ache. I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Okay, I'll be right there."

I end the call and throw my legs over the side of the bed. Leave it to Perry to violate his parole and my sleep at the same damn time. I'm still so furious with him I can't figure out why I'm currently scrambling around for something to wear. After assessing my wrecked face in the mirror I smear on some concealer and mascara. Next I rummage through my laundry basket for some decent looking jeans and grab my favorite grey hoodie. He can't expect miracles at two in the morning.

I lock all the deadbolts on the door and make my way into the street. I could drive the three blocks over to the bar, but it seems like a waste. Besides, it may be amusing to watch Perry stumble home.

Walking fast, I arrive in under ten minutes. I spot him immediately, slumped over at the end of the bar. He has his signature mixer clutched in his hand, with one leg planted on the floor.

Phil nods to me when I step inside. I walk over and lean into him.

"He's been here since a little after seven. I didn't have the heart to turn him away with all that he's going through and stuff." He runs a bar rag across the counter and nods to Perry. "When I asked him who to call, he said you."

My eyes widen. After the conversation we had the other day why in the hell would Perry have someone call me. I force a smile.

"I'll get him out of here. Thanks for not calling the cops."

Phil waves me off. "Perry's family around here. What he did time for was bullshit. Any one of us would have done the same thing."

I keep my features even. True, Perry served time for protecting his sister from an abusive asshole, but the other crimes he got away with, brought us all down.

I walk over to Perry and he lifts his head up just before I reach him.

He smiles a stupid grin. "You came?"

"Of course I came. Apparently I'm your emergency contact."

He chuckles loudly and almost falls off his stool. I place my hand on his shoulder to steady him. He covers my hand with his and looks directly into my eyes. "You're always there for me, Tess."

For a second I have to make sure my mouth isn't hanging open. Did he just call me Tess?

I brush it off and start to pull him off the stool. "You ready to go champ? I think these are the kinds of places you're supposed to avoid."

Perry attempts to stand, but then grabs both of my arms. His bloodshot eyes meet mine and I can't look away. There's so much pain in them that it tears at my own shattered heart.

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