Part 55 ~ Mind Games

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~ Casey's point of view ~

It was just too awkward sitting there with Destiny, waiting for Michael to come back home. I can't believe she caught me jerking off like that. I had no idea she was home. God. I had to leave . . I'll come back sometime this evening. I just hope Dad didn't find out that I escaped through my window. I have to be careful climbing back in there, I cannot let him find out. He'll kill me. I take the bus and ride back home. I walk down the street and around the house. I don't think he saw me. At least I hope he didn't. I climb up to my window and make sure not to make any sounds. 



"Get down and meet me in the living room!!"

"Dad, let me explain, ok? I was-"


". . . Yes, Dad"


I get back down and follow dad into the house. He slams the door behind me angrily and pushes me into the livingroom. Mom isn't home. If she were, she'd be holding him back now. She knows how rough Dad can be when he's angry . . but I guess I deserve it. I shouldn't have climbed out my window. Now he's even angrier than he was before. 

"Casey, you have got to be kidding me. .  I locked you into your bedroom for a darn reason, where the heck did you go?!"

"I . . I was-"


"I went to Michael's house . . I wanted to talk to him"

"Casey, you have taken me from being mad to furious and now all I feel is so much rage, you don't even wanna know it, boy! . . I am so done with you acting like you don't give a shit! I don't just lock you into your bedroom for fun! I wanted you to think about your actions and you just run away??"

"Dad, I'm sorr-"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH, CASEY! I'm the one talking!"

"I'm sorry, Dad"

. . . . .

"Casey . . your mother and I have had it . . we really tried our best to raise you the best way we could, and we were postive we were doing a great job . . but when you started smoking pot we knew something was wrong . . and we're both done blaming ourselves for the decisions you make! You're 16 years old, Casey . . it's time to grow up! ALRIGHT? smoking pot isn't fun! it's going to lead you to do other drugs . . HEAVIER DRUGS! . . you think nothing bad can ever happen to you, don't you? but let me tell you, buddy, BAD THINGS CAN HAPPEN TO YOU and they will if you don't stop with all this nonsense!"

"Dad, I'm sorry, I already told you-"

"SHUT UP!! I'm gonna tell ya one last time to shut up when I'm talking, haven't I made that clear?!"

"Dad, I admit that I do smoke pot every now and then but I don't take any other drugs!"

"You don't?"

"I really don't, Dad"

"Alright then . . could you please explain to me what this white stuff is that I found underneath your bed? . . it's definitely not flouer . . nor is it snow . . this is Cocaine, buddy . . what the hell are you doing with Cocaine? have you lost your damn mind?!"

"Dad . . this is the god's honest truth, I was holding this for a friend! HONESTLY!"

"I don't believe a word you say, Casey . . I don't believe a word you say! . . you have been using this stuff, too, haven't ya? Look me in the eyes, Casey . . look at me and tell me that you haven't been using this stuff . . LOOK AT ME!!"

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