Part 59 ~ A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Read

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We're all gathered in the waiting room. Michael's parents, Zaira and Nastasia, Casey and me. I don't like the fact that Nastasia had to show up. Of course she had to. We're not yet allowed into Michael's hospital room. The doctor said that Michael is suffering from PTSD. 

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Poor baby. I just wanna go in there and hug him and be with him. The Doctor enters the waiting room, we all turn around and look at him, impatiently waiting for him to say something. He tells us that only one person at a time is allowed in there. Michael is not doing all too well actually. His life is not in danger but the doctor says he's not doing great. 

"It is very imporant that you all realize that Mr. Jackson is suffering from a very severe kind of PTSD. He has sudden, dramatic changes in his mood, which basically means he can go from a happy high straight to severe anxiety and anger. He may seem all over the place, please do not be confused by his words, what you need to offer him is support and patience. Ask no questions, don't ask of him to talk back to you. He will talk if he's able to. Patience is important now"

It's worse than I thought. 

I'm so sorry he has to go through this. 

His mom enters first, along with Zaira. Then Michael's dad goes in . . Casey afterwards, then Zaira goes in again with Nastasia and now it's my turn to see him. I walk inside. Tears start building in my eyes as soon as I lay eyes on him laying there. He looks so helpless and vulnerable. 

"Hi honey . . Michael, I'm so glad that you're ok"

He looks at me with tears in his eyes. I can tell that he has trouble talking. He just puts his hand on mine and looks the other way. "You're doing great, Michael . . you'll be out of here before you know it, honey"

. . . . .

"I may be here but really I'm dead"

"Excuse me?"

"I died on the sea"

"No, honey . . you're here . . you made it, everything's ok now"

. . . . .

"The doctors don't know what they're saying. I know what happened. I know it. I was there"

"Michael . . don't talk . . just relax, ok? you're starting to shake"

"I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!! I died out there, I'm not alive!!"

"Michael, you are very much so alive. We're talking to each other"

. . . . .

"The water was so cold . . and it was so loud . . and there was fire for a short period of time. Fire. I was supposed to die, Danielle"

"No, you weren't supposed to die. You're here. You made it, honey. Try to relax, ok? I love you so much, we all love you . . and it's Destiny, Michael . . Destiny"

"Richard died . . he had a heart attack"

"Richard? . . oh, the guy on the jet with you?"

"He wasn't on the jet with me for long, he died. He had a heart attack . . I was on my own . . do you know how to fly a plane, Denise?"

"Denise? . . honey, my name is Destiny"

"Destiny . . do you know how to fly a plane?"

"No . . no, I don't"

"I didn't know either . . but for some reason I'm still here . . am I still here?"

"You're very much so still here, honey"

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