Part 32 ~ The Other Part Of HiM

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Hi loves! . . before you start reading this new part, I wanna let you know that it has been almost half a year since I've been writing frequently like I used to. I have been away for a while but it never meant that I was gone for good. I just simply needed some time off. . . . I put some of the last part in this one, so you guys would have it easier to catch up where I left off. To be honest, even I had to look back to remember what this story was about . . . I'm sorry guys, lol. It's been a damn while but I'll try to get back into it and write more frequently :) here is the new part and I really hope you guys like it! 

keep in touch with me through twitter or instagram, I'm always on there if you guys wanna chit chat every now and then :) much L.O.V.E, Mel xxx

~ Michael's point of view ~

I just arrived at my parents' place. The food is still cooking on the stove . . . I'm not so late after all. Zaira comes running up to me. . . I take off my jacket and hug her. "Dad . . are you ok?"

"Yes, princess . . . why are you asking?"

"You look sad . . . were you crying?"

"No . . . that's the cold night air outside . . . let me talk to your grandma for a minute, ok? why don't you finish watching your movie before we eat dinner, sweeheart"

"Ok, dad"

I walk into the kitchen. Mom looks at me with that sour look on her face. She knows me too well. "You told her and now she's angry, am I right?" She says, pointing the cooking spoon in my face. "No, mom . . actually . . I still haven't told her and I don't think I will . . not anytime soon"

"What's the matter with you, boy???" She yells, accidentally getting a drop of tomato sauce on my white shirt from the cooking spoon. "I don't know why but I can't tell her . . I just can't"

"And why not?! . . what's the worst that could happen?"

"Well . . umm . . she could leave me, mom! . . I bet she would . ."

"And if you don't tell her she HAS a reason to leave you, baby!!!!"

"Mom, she's too sensitive . . . she gets hurt soo easily and if I throw this at her she will hate my guts for not telling her when we first met . . . believe me . . . I will have to say goodbye to her for good . . . I just know it . . . she will not be able to handle it . . ."

"Oh, ok . . so let me get this straight . . you much rather lie to the woman you're in love with and feel horrible about it, instead of telling her and explaining to her why you never told her?!"

"NO! . . of course not! . . I'm planning on telling her, I just don't know when and how . . ."

"Do you want me to tell her?"

"NO . . . . leave it alone mom!"

"I will tell her, baby! . . I will make this thing right!! trust me!"

"Mom, I love you but I could never forgive you if you did this to me . . . don't tell her . . . I will tell her when the time is right . . . I just don't know when that is . . ."

"Let me tell you something, baby . . . . a good relationship requires trust and communication . . and not to forget: HONESTY. . . how can you build a solid foundation with a woman you're lying to?! . . there's gonna be holes in that relationship of yours that you will trip over or fall through someday, honeyface . . ."

"Mom . . . it's easier said than done . . . do you know how hard it is for me to lie to her? do you have any idea how bad I'm feeling right now that I had to leave her at the house once again, all alone? . . I hate myself for treating her this way but there's nothing I can do . . . not now . ."

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