Chapter 26

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(A/N) This chapter is dedicated to Nawal who has been my rock since I started writing this book. Thanks for all the support, Love. You are really amazing! Even piglets freshly baked out of a pigs vajajay can't compete with you! LOVE YOU!! AHHHH...

Ok. bye.

Enjoy the chapter! ;)


"What the hell is this about!"

They stood there, not moving a limb. My eyes widen in rage as my chest moved up and down as I took deep breaths.

"ANSWER ME GODDAMNIT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. They slightly jerked back a little from the impact of my outburst.

Israel let out a nervous sigh while Marshall cursed under his breath.

"Look, Blaire. It's not what it looks like?" Israel spoke softly with his hands in front of him gesturing for me to calm down.

"Not what it looks like? It's exactly what it looks like! You have been stalked me like crazy retards for god knows what, recording my each and every moment! You know everything about me! You know all my secrets. You even know I fight! What you gonna do with it huh? Are you going to blackmail me into doing one of your filthy jobs for keeping it away from Adham? I knew that I shouldn't have been dragged into one of Adham's malicious businesses. And, there is no way I'll fall into your trap! Even if it destroys my life" I yelled.

Marshall pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. Israel's eyes widen from my outburst. He let out a shaky breath and took a step towards me.

"Blaire... Just... Calm down" he tried to talk. I shook my head and blinked back the tears.

"Just... Get lost! I always knew I will be always betrayed in the end I'll be left alone in the dark" I mumbled and took a step around from him towards the door.

My body jerked backward towards Israel when he held my wrist, preventing me from going.

"Calm down Blaire! This really isn't what it looks like!" he whined. I snatched my hand away from him as if it was burned by the mere contact of his touch. I took a good look at the room and met his frantic eyes.

I let out a humorless chuckle and shook my head.

"Y'all are a bunch of covetous back-stabbing men," I said and started to walk out.

"But Blai-"

I turned around and gave Israel my best death glare which made him shut up. I turned around and walked towards the door while shooting daggers at surprisingly composed Marshall who stood by the door as well.

I scoffed and walked out.


I wiped away the tears that stained my cheeks and sniffed as I cried silently as while trying to stuff my clothing in my bag.

I've had enough of this world. I just can't do it. Gangs, guns, fights, deals, betrayal wasn't really on the top elements at my designed utopian vision of an ideal life.

I'm done with this Mafia Bullshit. Fuck running away once I'm eighteen. I going right now to the other side of the country and changing my identity or something. I cannot cope up with this anymore. I fucking give up.

I zip the bag once I stuffed as much as clothes I could in the bag and moved onto the other as a sniffed back a tear.

In the end, everyone betrays me. I'm just going to leave everything behind and fly off with some cash that I had saved up in a mason jar under the loose wood on my room's floor and carry some things close to my heart from my room. I just can't stay anymore. I just hope they don't follow me all the way there to make my life even more miserable.

The door to my room creaked.

"Blaire. Come on. Don't get so riled up. I know, this must have creeped you out, But trust me, we are on your side. You need to calm down" Israel spoke softly and took a step into my room.

I shook my head and gulped the bile that rose up.

"Just... Fuck off, Israel" I said as I let his betrayal sink into me. He sighed and walked towards me.

My eyes widen when two hands snacked around my waist as my back crashed into a very solid chest which made my cheeks turn crimson.

"Let.go" I hissed as I struggled to free myself from his arms. Despite, my extra-ordinary strength, I could really seem to get out of his hold.

I blame my overwhelmed emotions for that.

He just tightened the hold around me.

"Blaire..." He whispered near my ear. I bit my lip and shut my eyes tight all while not giving up my struggle against him.

"Please..." I felt the genuine pain in his voice. I sighed as I decided on my hesitant thoughts.

My struggles died down as I inhaled a breath and gritted my teeth together.

My emotions were all over the place. I just cannot seem to think straight.

"I don't think, I would never betray you, even though we annoy each other asses. I'm so sorry to scare you like that. Whatever you saw, please don't think too much about it. I promise I would never do anything to hurt you. I can't really explain to you whatever you saw back there, yet. Just, please..." There was a pregnant pause. "Trust me. I would never hurt you. You are safe, Blaire" He spoke so softly as if he were talking to a two-year-old.

I shook my head and tried to free myself again but his tightened hold restricted me.

"Please..." he whispered in my ear that held so much grief. I would have scoffed at it if I wasn't in such a messed-up mood. I pursed my lips and sighed as my eyes welled up.

I turned around and stared at the beautiful identical black freckles that were sprinkled on his beautiful grey hued irises.

His pupils dilated.

"I can't, Israel..." I discontinuously whispered and shook my head slightly and looked down.

He lifted my chin up and made me look back at his amazing orbs again.

"You're the strongest girl I know. Your thoughts are just triggered all over from that surprising impact. You'll be okay." He promised. I pursed my lips and slightly nodded.

He sighed pulled me impossibly closer towards him and tucked my head under his chin.

"You'll be okay..."


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