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AkaKuro Fanfic
Akashi Seijuurou x Kuroko Tetsuya

Set in an alternate universe when military superiority governs the country before the war broke. Akashi is a high-rank military officer and he was assign in strategic headquarters as a strategic tactician. Despite of his young age,he gains so much respect and fears by his subordinates. Aces in all aspect of military; combat, weaponry and specially tactics.

Kuroko is in special force.specifically as spy and assassin. Due to his lack of presence,he is a perfect secret weapon of the military. In early years of his childhood he is a weakling but after an extreme training and some in-human experiment, it makes him as a  perfect killing machine.

After the war ends, the government mandatories it’s citizen to attend a normal academic school no matter how your social status and backround is.Akashi and Kuroko is now 17 years old and as the protocol say;they’re require to attend school.

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