Chapter 1...

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As the sky darkened, the four teenagers ran, seeking desperately for shelter while trying to cover their heads from the pouring rain (even though it clearly didn't help much...) The youngest of the group, a fourteen year old girl named Amber, was visibly shivering from the cold. Jake, her seventeen year old brother, noticed this and (while still running) slipped off his jacket and handed it to her. She looked at him with a hesitant expression.

"Im not cold." He semi-shouted still holding out the jacket for her to take. Amber quickly nodded and swiftly pulled the jacket on.

After a bit more running Willow, an eighteen year old girl, spotted a mansion in the distance. It was barely visible due to the excessive amount of rain but luckily Willow had the eyes of an eagle.

"Over there!" She pointed into the pouring water. "Theres a mansion!"

"Alright then eagle eye! Guess Id rather trust you than get drenched even more than i already am!" Admitted Jason, a nineteen year old boy, earning a glare from Willow as everyone proceeded to run in the direction of the structure.

When they reached the mansion Jake bolted up to the huge door and leaned against it, trying to open it. Amber swiftly ran to help, also leaning on the door. Having to use the full weight of both of their bodies the door finally creaked open enough for everyone to slip inside.

"Thats not stopping any time soon..." Informed Jason while gazing out of a fogged up and cracked window.

"We could be here all night..." Jake agreed. Suddenly a flash of lightning lit up the sky, making Willow jump out of her skin and even yelp a little.

"Awww is little Willow scared of lightning?~" Jason teased getting yet another death glare from the girl.

"Look man...Just cause you like her doesnt mean you need to constantly tease her. Save it for your alone time." Amber stated with clear sass in her voice. Jason and Willows faces went bright red as Amber stood there with her hands on her hips, smiling at her accomplishment. After hearing this Jake was currently rolling on the floor, holding his stomach and almost suffocating from laughing so hard.

After Ambers little performance it took a little while for everyone to calm down (especially Jake who still had tears in his eyes and ruffled brown hair from laughing so hard and rolling on the floor.) It was clear that Jason liked Willow but was just being a tsundere about it. The problem with this was that nobody could tell if Willow liked him back or not as she was extremely good at hiding her emotions when she wanted to.

Without warning a vase fell from the worn down table, shattering on impact with the wooden floor. Jake, who was stood closest to the table swiftly spun around and slowly backed away with a hand on his chest. His grip on his shirt tightened as he tried to steady his heartbeat.

"Jeez calm down man. You probably just knocked it off or something..." Jason said bluntly even though it was obvious that the event slightly scared him as well.

"I-I was stood like a meter away from it though..." Jake countered. Amber was already investigating the table and broken vase. Jake turned back to the table and saw his younger sister being her curious self and rushed over to pull her away from it.

"Be careful!" He warned with worry in his voice. "That thing just shattered out of nowhere! You could cut yourself on it!"

"Don't worry!" Amber grinned cheerfully, her light brown hair making her smile look even brighter. "Ill be careful!" She watched as her brother gave her a warm smile and gently pulled her away from the broken shards.

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