Chapter 3...

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About two hours later everyone started to get tired, especially Amber who had already fallen asleep on her brothers shoulder. At least three other things had fallen over and broken, even though nobody was anywhere near them. Willows leg had started to hurt her less which was a good thing but that was about the only good thing that had happened so far.

Lightning lit up the sky again but was accompanied by loud thunder this time, making Amber wake up and hold her brothers arm tight. Willow was also scared and almost fell from the couch out of fear. Even the guys jumped a little and they werent usually scared of thunder and lightning (well neither was Amber but she wasnt a fan of noises that loud.) Jason glanced at everyone else after the scare to check if they were ok then stared back out of the window. Lightning flashed again, not as loud this time. But this time, while staring out of the window, Jason saw a dark figure standing across the field of wet grass. This caused him to jump back from his chair and fall to the ground.

"Jason are you ok?" Willow worried as she hurried to help him up.

"Yeah dude, what happened?" Asked Jake, looking at the boy confused, "You arent usually scared of lightning..."

"It wasnt the lightning. There was someone stood in the rain when the lightning flashed." Jason justified while breathing heavily and brushing the dust from his clothes. Amber rushed to the window and looked around outside.

"Jason theres nobody there..." She informed looking back to her friends then back out of the window one last time. "Maybe youre just seeing things..."

"You didnt tell Willow that when she saw the face in the mirror!" He retorted.

"They didnt say anything about the face because they were concerned about me and the mirror." Willow explained, "Im not doubting that you saw something but it still could have been your eyes playing tricks on you."

"Yeah" Amber started while turning to look back out of the window, "But i still dont see any-" Suddenly there was a thump coming from the window and Amber screamed then fell back. There was a figure stood at the window with the sides of their fists on the glass. Jake swiftly ran over to his sister, stood her up and pulled her back, that fast that he himself almost fell over.

The teenagers hastily bolted out of the room almost tripping over their own feet.

"WHO WAS THAT?!" Jake semi-yelled so the others could hear him over the wind in their ears.

"THAT WAS A WHAT, NOT A WHO!" Amber shouted back with tears of fear streaming down her face. She desperately grasped onto Jakes hand so she wouldnt fall behind the others. They ran into some sort of kitchen with walls coated in black paint that was peeling and cracked.

"THERES A BACK DOOR!" Willow pointed out with eagerness to leave. Without another word all four of them sprinted for the back door, quickly exiting one by one. They all sprinted for the gigantic metal gate that separated the mansions garden from the outside world. That was the world they were aiming to get to. When they reached the gate all four of them leaned on the rusting metal, using all of their body weight to get it open. They were getting drenched by the rain but they didnt care at this point.

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