Strawberries & broken glass

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End of 2nd period & lunch
Warning: Bullying and depression
Ms. Connell circled a cell on the board, pointing at the nucleus. Good god she talks forever. CAN THIS CLASS END SOON?! I threaded my fingers through my hair, groaning. A.J laughed softly. The infamous monotone voice penetrated the air. "Class. Gather your materials and wait for the bell to ring." A.J nudged my side. "Ah can't wait ta meet ya frends, Ah hope they'll like me..." They'll love you. I just know it. I gathered my materials, putting them into my bag. "Let's go grab a table before they're all gone." A.J smiled, following my lead. "Is mighty kind of ya ta enclude me, ya sure Ah ain't a bother?" Damn, that accent is cute. The bell rang and I scooped up my bag, "Of course!" Stretching my arm out her, I grabbed her hand. A.J warmly accepted, threading our fingers together. "Should I begin the tour?" She nodded excitedly, keeping a hand on her hat. "Yes ma'am!" I chuckled. "Alright!" I motioned to my right, "So there's social studies, with Mr. Jefferson." The man himself, smiled at us, waving. A.J waved back happily. He is such a sweet guy, I'm glad he teaches social studies, because it's so hard, oh my god. Continuing down the hall, I pointed to the left, "So there's the language hall, are you taking any languages?" She let out a bark of laughter, "No way! Ya think Ah coulda learned somethin likea that wit tha way Ah talk?" Okay, she's got me there. A.J gripped my hand tightly, stopping our walk. "Is something wrong?" The country girl flushed, removing her hat. "Ah jus wanna say, ya been mighty kind ta me an Ah really, really appreciate it. Jus let me know if ya ever in a bind, Ahll do what Ah can ta help." Is this girl for real? I'm probably dreaming. No girl this cute would ever speak to me in real life. I grabbed her hand, clasping it between both of mine. "A.J, you don't need to owe me anything. You're my friend and if you'd like to owe me, then I want one thing." I paused dramatically and she swatted my arm. "Tell meh already!" I smiled once more, "I just want you by my side. Can you do that?" A huge smile spread across her face. "Af course Ah can do that! Consider it foreva too!" I continued walking with her, leading her into the lunchroom. "Thank you A.J, thank you." She grinned, placing her stetson atop her head. I'm so happy I met her.

She looks nervous, why would that be? I pulled on my letterman jacket and jogged over to Taylor, flashing her a smile. "Hey! What did you want to talk about?" Taylor turned towards me, her lips lifting into a gentle smile. She took a step towards me, her posture straight. "We've been close for a while now... " Her hands tangled themselves together. "I know that you're single and..." Taylor's smile widened, so large, it looked as if it was pulling at her cheekbones. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me." ¿Qué? [What?] You love someone else, why are you asking me such a thing? "Taylor... Before I answer that, I think you should see this..." I paused, bringing my phone up, finding the picture I found that night. Forgive me Taylor but... I held it to her, remaining quiet as her face paled. "... Santiago..." My throat clenched. "Please...Please go out with me." Her voice cracked, much like glass that had shattered underneath the pressure. Taylor... I scratched the back of my head. "I don't think I'm what you want. I'm sorry Taylor." I blinked, when a tightly gripped crumpled piece of paper made its way into my face. What is this. In fluid motion, her slim, yet curvy body molded itself against mine, her lips near my neck. "Listen latino boy, your reputation is at stake, just as much as mine is." I swallowed thickly, then instinctively wrapped my arms around her, ignoring the cold drop in my stomach. "What makes you say that?" She pulled back, looking into my eyes. "San...there are rumors, believable ones and..." She brought a hand up, the paper caught between her fingers. "You're lucky I found this before anyone else could." What even is- I felt my heart drop to the floor, seeing the all too familiar scratched out words. No...He can't know, especially not after today. I looked around, making sure our conversation was safe from those who wished to eavesdrop. She's right. So many are already suspecting things and I'm...afraid. I'm not supposed to have feelings for boys. I looked at Taylor, her eyes glimmering like emeralds and how luscious her dark hair looked, spilling down her back. Her tan shoulders showing with her outfit and tantalizing curves, emphasized. Maybe...maybe I'm just not sure. I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the letterman jacket that I wore, reminding me of what I held important. I pulled her even closer to me. "I'd love to go out with you." I bent forward, pressing a kiss to her cheek, taking advantage of how close we were. "Are you really sure about this? Aren't you-?" She cupped a hand over my mouth"...Incredibly in love with you? Of course!" The smile she gave me, didn't quite reach her eyes. I'm so sorry Christian...but I have to do this.

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