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-hey guys. Im sorry this is so bad atm, im just getting the hang of it-

Luke's POV-

"So guys, when do we leave for this joint tour" i say, currently jumping up and down on my bed, and hitting my head off the ceiling, a lot.

"Uhm, 3 days isn't it, i feel sorry for the other dudes they only just got told today i heard them on the phone" Calum explained, not even taking his eyes off his phone

"Who even are they, like do they do youtube stuff like us or what?" Michael chimed in from the corner

"I don't know, I've never heard of them, all the managers said was that we're both only slightly not experienced enough to do a solo tour just yet so they have smushed us together into one event, oh and that they play the same music as us" I say finally giving up on being 5 years old and flopping down onto my bed.

"I hear the lead of the band is this lad called Connor and that he's crazy talented, i think you'll like him Michael, apparently he dyes his hair every other week and is really odd" Ashton strolls in. What are we all doing in my bedroom exactly?

"Why don't we go over early and surprise them then?" Calum leaped up and shouted

"What we just turn up at their door with all our shit and say surprise we live here now?!" Michael added laughing at the very idea of it

"I think we should, you know, it'll be fun, i like to party" Ashton giggled.

"If you say so... Lets go get packed then" i sigh

- 5 hours later -

"JJ YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT" well hearing screaming from the house is a good start, i guess, means we can be just as loud. The Boys all walked up the front door and knocked twice, why am i so nervous? Oh yeah because we're essentially just barging into their lives.

We all hear a scream and a "CONNOR" and look around nervously, but that sounded like a girl, we thought it was just 3 guys, oh well..

Seconds later the door swings open

A boy with dark hair opens the door and looks at us for maybe 5 seconds before turning round and shouting "Connor, 5 seconds of summer are here" and strolls off...

"What do we do" i hear Calum whisper nervously

"What do you mean? Just relax and go inside" Ashton's laughs at us and makes his way through the door so we all follow.

Then who i presume is Connor runs down the stairs opposite the door with what looks like hair dye all over him

"Hey guys, I'm sorry about Daniel, he doesn't really have the welcoming vibe i do apparently" he says emphasising the last part sarcastically

"Shut the fuck up Compson" we hear from the kitchen

"See? Go in take a seat, i was expecting you later so the place is a shit tip, but you're dudes you know how it is"

I go into the living room followed by the boys and I'm instantly impressed with this place, nearly all the walls are covered with different hanging guitars, but in the centre wall theres a massive what looks like poster, of what i assume is their band, they're all on stage and theres lights shining down all different colours around them, Connors up front and to the left, Daniels in the centre, and some other guy who I'm guessing is JJ from all the screaming, is to the right playing a bass, but i have no idea who's playing the drums.

"Also I'm dying my little sisters hair so I'm sorry that everything is in chaos, JJ is trying to dye it pink and green, she wants it purple fading into turquoise, you'd think if shes been dying her hair for 3 years she could manage on her own but noooo, anyway i think shes done soon, so you'll probably meet her today I think if she decides to stop being such a teenager and leave her room. Anyway do what you'd do in your own house okay"

He runs off leaving us here

"Okay this is weird can we go home" Michael fidgets,

"We are home now" Calum laughed "i like it anyway they seem cool"

"Yeah i like it too" me and Ashton say at the same time

5 minutes later and we've put the tv on and made ourselves comfy when we hear "boys me jj and Daniel are going out for a bit, if you need anything ask my sister"

I still havn't even seen his sister

Then 21 guns by green day starts playing through the overhead speakers, loudly

"At least the sisters got good taste, hey you think she's going to tour with us?" Ashton smiled, i know that look, he can see an opportunity

Then, as if on que, a small slim figure bounds down the stairs with bright hair going down to her waist, she jumps off the last step right in front of us, she looks up and i see she has 2 lip piercings, a nose ring and bright bluey green eyes, they kinda remind me of Michael's

I look her up and down (im sorry I can't help it ok) and see she's wearing a flannel tied around her waist over some black skinny jeans with holes in both knees, and a led-zeppelin shirt with the sleeves ripped off. Well at least she doesn't dress like a whore.

I look around and notice the boys all staring curiously at her, but Ashton, Ashton looks like he's in awe.

"Uhm guys... HELLLLOOO" she sing songs snapping us out of our thoughts

"You look really familiar" i hear Michael mutter

"I should" she giggles, i see Ashton smile really big. Oh boy here we go again

"What? Why? Have we met you?" Cal gets up and hugs her, taking her by surprise while Michael clears his throat uncomfortable, thens when i notice how small she really is

"Uhm, no, doesn't matter" she grins

"I'm Stella" she puts her hand up and high fives all of us, well that's cooler than a handshake.

"I'm Luke Hemmings. this is Calum Hood, Michael Clifford and that over there looking like a smitten kitten is Astro Ashton Irwin"

"Wow, cute name Ash" she laughs

He turns 13 different shades of red

"Oh you probably want my last name its-"

"We're backk!!!" I hear Someone scream and JJ dives into the room on the opposite sofa, "Hey Stellio Ash Pash!" He sings, wtf.

"My middle names Ashley" she laughs at our confused faces.

"Wait your name is Stella Ashley?" Michael furrows his eyebrows, and scoffs

"Oh my God Michael don't be rude" Ashton was getting flustered, which made everyone chuckle

"CLIFFORD WHERE YOU AT GIRRRLLL" we hear a sassy voice shouting, must be Daniel

"Im in here Dan" she calls back making eye contact with Michael....this can't be good

"WAIT. YOUR NAME IS STELLA ASHLEY CLIFFORD" Michael stands up and im beginning to see where this is going. Years ago he told us about a sister him and his family left behind, he didn't say why exactly, just that he wished it didn't happen.

I look at all the boys faces and they knew exactly what i was thinking

This was Michaels little sister

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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