First Few Days

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Bella POV

I look up at Emily, then down at my small baby bump. My belly button is already popped out. "The baby's gender has been decided. Would you like to know?" Emily asks, smiling brightly. "Oh, I don't know." I say, looking over to Damon. "Do you want to know?" He asks me. I sit up and place a hand on my bump. "Tell us." I whisper, smiling brightly.

Emily places her hands on my belly and smiles. "Congratulations, it's a girl!" She says, smiling. "Another little princess." Damon cheers, hugging Adaline tightly. "Dad, stop. You're embarrassing." She groans, being the typical teenager she is.

______________________TIME SKIP________________________________________________

After the pregnancy spell, we put Adaline in school, which she absolutely hates. "They are studying the vikings from Bulgaria and everything they say is wrong! And they hate my accent!" (In this story, Adaline has a British accent, that mixes with Bulgarian), she whines. "Well, tell them your Mama and Papa have a very clear view of our ancestors trail and that they information is wrong." I tell her, sighing.

"I'm not a Mikaelson!" She'll yell after I say that. She's definitely a Salvatore. She's just like Damon, which is very scary. Her hair is raven black and her jaw line is perfectly structured. I watch as he plays catch with him in the backyard, practicing for her softball try outs.

"You've finally noticed it." Emily says, wiping her hands on her dress. "Noticed what?" I ask, worried. "That Adaline looks nothing like Nik, but she's practically the female version of Damon." She says, looking me in the eye. "What the hell did the ancestors do?" I yell, anger rising. They did something to my daughter without asking me.

"Adaline is not a Mikaelson in anyway. She is a Salvatore by blood. She is Damon's biological daughter. She always been his daughter. She was never Nik's." Emily says, grabbing my hands. I close my eyes and listen to the Ancestors explain. They are vague, which is annoying. But, basically, Adaline was born of magic and the Ancestors knew Damon was my soul mate, hundred of years before his birth.

Damon walks in, Adaline following behind. "She's my biological daughter?" He asks, dropping everything. Sometimes the ancestors are louder than they want to be. I open my eyes and nod slowly, smiling. He falls to his knees and cries tears of joy as Adaline hugs him back.

My beautiful family, finally brought together completely.


Hey guys!
So, I am slightly getting my groove back!

I have really been struggling with wanting to write and writer's block.

I finally got off my lazy ass and wrote y'all a decent chapter. I hope you enjoy it!

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