6 Weeks

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Bella POV

Pregnancy as a vampire, witch, and werewolf is not not the easiest. Out of my nine week pregnancy, I am 6 weeks. My bump size is about 30 weeks. I feel huge, and I look huge. Within these final weeks, I'll grow to 40 weeks, which will be even bigger. I love carrying Damon and I's little girl, but it's a pain in the ass. I want to run. I want to be the vampire I was meant to be. I want to be me. But for now, I have to be a Mom. Adaline is very independent, so she can care for herself. Especially since Emily gave her a little bit of magic. Her magic can only be used for nature and to communicate with the ancestors. 

"Damon!" I yell, not wanting to get off the couch, because my feet are a little sore and I have a splitting headache from lack of blood."Yes, love?" a British accent asks. I get up quickly and look towards the voice. "N-N-Nik!" I scream, scared for me and my baby. "You're a lying, cheating slut, Mrs.Salvatore." He taunts, a white oak stake in his hand. He twirls it between his blood stained fingers. He smirks slightly and steps towards me. I back up slowly, getting more and more scared with every step. "Put that down, Nik. I won't stay dead and neither will my daughter. You know nothing ever stays dead." I say, placing a hand on my bump and the other in my pocket, where the second oak stake always is.  Nik laughs and looks at my bump. "You and that vicious vermin won't live anymore. And we can finally be together, like we always planned." He raises the stake, but I'm quicker than him.

I quickly remove the stake from my robe's pocket and throw it at Nik, not aiming for his heart. I want him to suffer. It hits him in the stomach and he falls in pain, dropping the stake. "You whore. Both you and that sorry excuse of a child we brought into this world." He smirks, going to remove it from his stomach. Adaline rushes up to him and grabs the white oak stake. She places a foot on his chest and smiles, whispering "You are a pathetic excuse for a hybrid. You were a pathetic husband and father. I hope you rot in hell for hurting my Mother." Then, she drives the stake into his heart, his blood pooling beside him. Damon and Emily run into the room and towards me, helping me up. "He knocked us both out." Emily says, growling. Damon holds me close to him, a tight grip on me. "Damon, shes coming." I whisper in pain. 


Hey guys!

SO I am changing the plot a little bit! I have a little bit on inspiration back, but its to take this story in another direction

I hope you don't mind!

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