The Salvatore Child

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Bella pov

I smile as I sit next to Damon after 105 years of being apart. "Damon, you brought me back, but you forgot that when the ancestors do something, they need something back." I explain, extremely nervous. I don't think he is ready to hear this. I'm not even ready to say it. Damon grabs my hand and sighs, his blue eyes looking into mine. "Tell me, baby. I need to know." He pleas. 

"Well, they need me to bear a child. A Salvatore by blood, but a Mikaelson by magic. They will take the child's magic and use it to bring back one ancestor, so they can help with the situations in New Orleans." I say, breathing deeply.  Damon smiles brightly and picks me up, hugging me tightly. "Our own baby! A baby!" He yells, kissing all over my face. I look at him shocked, and he relaxes. 

"It's a baby, Damon. It will be a lot of work."I whisper, scared. "We took care of Adaline. We can take care of a baby." He says, smiling brightly. I lay on the couch as Emily gathers the ingredients we need to complete the spell. "Bella, I will perform the spell. Your magic will help, but you don't need to physically do anything." She says, blending different herbs. "Damon, are you absolutely sure you want to do this?" I ask, worried.

Damon grabs my hand and kisses my cheek softly. "I am positive I want this. Especially with you." I look over to Adaline, and see her smiling. "Adaline, do you know how weird it is seeing you as a teenager, and not a toddler?" I ask, laughing. "Mom, it's weird seeing you and Em do magic together to create a baby." She responds, walking over to Emily.

"What can I help with?" Adaline asks, smiling brightly. "Well, can you finish grinding up the herbs and can you write the symbols?" Emily asks Adaline. "Of course! That's easy!" Adaline says, getting started. "Damon, I'm scared." I whisper, finally realizing that I am going to be pregnant. 

"Relax, Bella. You will only be pregnant 9 weeks." Emily laughs. Damon starts to laugh as I whisper "Like a dog." Adaline keeps working as Emily begins the spell. The spell is complicated and difficult to understand, but I keep my mouth closed. I don't want to have to restart the spell.

I feel a slight pressure on my abdomen, then an extreme pain as the candles rise and Emily rises her voice. After 3 minutes of an extreme pain in my stomach, everything goes silent and the candle's flame disappears. Emily sighs and smiles.

"The ancestors have blessed you with a child of your own."


Hey guys!

Update Schedule-

April 23rd

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The schedule is crazy because it is the end of the school year so I have tests to do. I apologize!

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