ch. 0

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maybe it was because of his stupid mental illness, but Yoongi hated that restaurant boy.

he wasn't a waiter, no. he was too much of a klutz to be one, Yoongi was sure not even his boss would want a walking disaster serving his tables - it would be like waiting for a time bomb to tick off, the possibilities of having their customer's hair covered in ketchup and cola were inevitable. still, Yoongi admitted he was a bit of a sight pleasing for the eyes to see, but that wasn't the point. Yoongi hated him.

Why? because apparently if you were to land yourself a job as a fast food restaurant crew, sanitary and personal hygiene weren't that as much important anymore - like it became a ticket for you to just pass off for being sleazy and messy. having stained clothes and greasy hair after your shift everyday should be common if you worked at Namjoon's - though up to that, Yoongi was still being understanding about it.

but the thing is, not only was that Hoseok boy a moving ball of excitement that constantly smells like beef (yes, Yoongi knows his name. he had a tag on, okay?), he was also a huge catastrophe most likely waiting to dawn over him. had he not know any better, Yoongi might've thought that Hoseok was sent out to kill him - again, why?

because somewhere along the lines, Hoseok had made it a routine of him to casually stop by Yoongi's book shop after his shift and almost as if he was gloating all about his dirty self, he would silently waltz between the shelves and watch as Yoongi eyes him anxiously. and Yoongi had every reason to be agitated; with his disheveled hair literally shining under the dimmed sunlight (probably from all that grease) and his untucked shirt hanging loosely onto his top, buttons left open - Hoseok was intensely tempting Yoongi to just fix him up right then and there, make him look as clean and perfect and neat as everything should be.

don't get him wrong, it was just his annoying OCD bugging him more often than not. and Yoongi couldn't help but fall into his habits of getting all jittery and dithery whenever his mind toys around with all the things making him crazier by the second - that being Hoseok's uninvited and slightly unwelcomed appearance.

Yoongi hated the other because even the mere sight of him was enough to cause him to break into a sweating mess - and he had an idea that Hoseok knew what he was doing to him.

anyway, the younger hadn't properly made himself officially known yet back then, he probably just thought it'd be that much more interesting to wait out on the introduction - so, everyday Hoseok would do the same thing anonymously (sort of) in hopes of piquing the older's attention, which it did - though for the wrong reasons.

basically, Hoseok would come inside the store after work to quietly tempt Yoongi to talk to him - but to no avail so far - before calling it a day and crossed his fingers for another chance tomorrow. it had been a daily thing by now, going on for two months - and everyday Yoongi was getting more and more creeped out and antsy, to say the least.

the only cause for Hoseok to do such things were due to himself being intrigued of Yoongi in the first place; just right after his job interview one day, Hoseok had been trudging down the streets back home when the sight of Yoongi in the old antique-like bookstore, dusting away the racks and simply organizing the books had lured him in. he had looked so pretty like that; lost in thought as his big hands ran over the spines of each book, keeping in check of their supposed places.

it was more of a feeling of admiration than love at first, like seeing something so beautiful and tantalizing that you can't help but want to know it better and just touch it too - it was somewhere in between that.

Hoseok never knew he was capable to be that attracted to another person before - better yet a man at that. so, the whole ordeal was just new to him and very, very exhilarating - all the more reason for him to not give up and hopefully this time, Hoseok could at least squeeze out a phone number or something out of Yoongi.


I have no idea what i wrote
This isn't the first chapter yet, kinda like a preface

Lemme know what y'all think

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