ch. 1

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Yoongi sat by the counter, his nose burried deep in an old paperback he'd pull out off the shelves earlier; 'Stormfire' by Christine Monson - a classic amongst most fans of the romance genres.

before, he had even never thought of settling for those cheesy love novels - Yoongi was strictly an urban fiction junkie, as much as he enjoys thriller as well. but today something might have caused him to make a slight shift from his usual taste and try a new side of literary art he'd yet to discover - given the amount of free time he's had.

his work was complying, assuming the last customer he's had for today was only a nice little lady who had strolled in casually with the hands of her husband's gripping tightly.

"anything new came in?" she had questioned Yoongi with a hopeful expression and to which the latter had simply responded with a curt "no" much to her disappointment.

Yoongi didn't like displeasing his customers just as much but he was right; the last batch he'd stocked up was over a month ago and since then not a word was heard from his supplier, mr. Park Jimin - a.k.a his long term colleague. Jimin was a busy man, Yoongi noticed that of course. he could understand why it had been so long since the younger had dropped by. but if Yoongi was being completely honest, he'd say that Jimin was doing a marvelous job at avoiding him - based on the unanswered calls and hundreds of messages being left on seen.

if Yoongi hadn't known any better, he might think that Jimin was merely drowning in work and not simply running away from him - not that he should have any reason to, they were both good friends.

perhaps Jimin had finally gotten a girlfriend to keep himself occupied? Yoongi scoffed to himself at that, head shaking incredulously.

his train of thoughts got disrupted as a loud chiming echoed from the bell, signalling another person's entrance through the door. Yoongi quickly set down his book and smoothened the creases folding on his shirt before walking up to the front, getting ready to greet his customers with his iconic gummy smile. only, the smile was left unfinished as the sight of restaurant boy, Hoseok, stood perched before him - there was something off about the way he beamed with confidence. although before this, Yoongi was already weirded out by him, today was a little different.

"hello." when Hoseok spoke, Yoongi was taken aback at how gentle he sounded, his voice was far from being that usual raspy, high pitched tone of an average sleazeball - whatever that meant. Hoseok grinned wider, his eyes formed crescents as they disappeared under his smile. they looked cute like that, Yoongi couldn't help but stare. it didn't last long however.

Yoongi coughed in his throat before he hesitantly spoke, "uhh, y-yes? can I help you with something, sir?" reeling himself back in - the man slightly flustered at his pathetic self, embarrassed for lingering his gaze so long, and on a (somewhat) stranger too.

now that his eyes were no longer latching onto the younger man's facial features, Yoongi had finally gotten the chance to fully take in Hoseok's whole appearance; analysing him from head to toe. what he saw next reminded him why Yoongi never liked the other male - despite his angelic smile.

he was a mess. an abominable threat towards Yoongi's sanity - from the tip of his chestnut colored hair till the worn-down soles of his sneakers; everything just made Yoongi want to scream out in agonizing pain.

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