Chapter 9

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Jwala was having sweets.trying from different types served on table.Naren was pacing restlessly.He looked at him.Rolling his eyes.Vicky didnt sign agreement.As they planned and wanted it to happen.But Naren still looked stressed.

J-"Naren Bava stop worrying.We won our first step.

This is just beginning.Didnt I tell you.This will work.Have this.Its delicious.Never tasted so good."

Naren glared at him.Jwala continued to hog on some.More sweets till Vicky came down.Leaving without informing.Anyone and he didnt look normal.

N-"You are busy eating.

Look where is he going.I cant be at peace.Jwala he didnt sign.That isnt enough to please me.I mean.We dont know cause behind it.What is going.On his mind.he didnt tell us."

J-"This is problem.With you.You are after assessing cause.

Have patience.Give time.Or else.Nothing will work Bava.Come lets have breakfast."

Sirisha watched birds flying.In sky with their wings free.Of any barrier and they had.No restrictions to be caged.She loved nature.Fresh air gave her strength.To build in herself.People around and kids.Happy playing in their tiny world.Makes her feel how.She could still hope from world.It havent gone to that extent for her.Things can be better.her every logic was losing.When she thinks about her current state.Where she was stuck.

She didnt knew what.She would tell her father today.She sat on one of benches.In park with her hand on belly.Holding on to her hope.Which has been growing inside her.For months.A blank face showed her state.She breathed in distress.And kept on looking at direction.didnt realise someone sitting.On same bench.Few gaps of distance from her.Vicky was also sitting lost.This place gave him.Some kind of outlook.Towards life what he believed.It would never disappoint him.whenever he was in hopeless state.

A ball came on their way.Hitting bench.Sirisha came out of her thoughts.Vicky caught ball.When a kid came to them.With toothy grin.Asking for his ball.Vicky smiled at little boy.Touching his cheeks.He was small and cute.He ruffled his hair.Making him sit on her lap.He missed those days badly.When he was kid.Life was much easier.

The boy put his finger.Inside mouth and chuckled.Vicky pulled her cheeks.While he was grinning at him.Then he did same to Vicky.Making him smile.

"You are cute.Uncle.

Please give me my ball."

V-"Hey do I look like Uncle.

Call me Vicky."

He winked at kid.Who giggled as he tickled.His tummy.Making him stand on his feet.This was witnessed by.Sirisha with an astonished look.For second she forgot.Same guy she saw.With whom she had history.Her mind was blank.From last day's events too.The boy looked at Vicky and then.At Sirisha.He pulled Vicky tugging at.His jeans and he lowered down to him.

"Why does this.Aunty look so fat.

She loves eating.Like me."

Vicky failed to hide smile.Forming on his lips.He looked at Sirisha.Who frowned at little boy.Then at Vicky.She shifted on her seat.When boy came to her.Vicky held him up.Making him sit in middle of them.Sirisha smiled at cutie.Who with his small hands.Tried touch her tummy.She held her palms.Making it land on her belly.The boy find it fun.Slowly touching it.Then taking his hand back.He exchanged looks.With Vicky and then Sirisha.Enjoying this game.

"Aunty why is.Your tummy so big.

You look like.Winnie the pooh."

He giggled making.Vicky burst into laughter.Sirisha hardened her face.Then joined the duo.In smiling with her face.Getting red.Vicky was lost.In her smile.Seeing her adoring kid.Kissing his cheek.The kid also did same.She looked so soft.Chubby and kissing her would be.Most lovable thing.In this earth.Vicky smacked himself.On mind amazed at.How he was going.

The kid's mother was looking for him.She came to them.Glaring at his naughty son.Who got scared.Vicky helped him to come down.Ruffled his hair and.Kissed his cheeks.her mother smiled at both.Of them looking at Sirisha.Well her baby bump.Sirisha got conscious.Vicky noticed that.He came quiet close.Standing to her.Making her frown.When they heard the woman.

When they heard the woman

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"Sorry he must have.Disturbed you.He is so naughty.

Doesnt listen to me.Come on.Say sorry to Uncle and Aunt."

V-"Its okay.He wasnt troubling.

Hey champ.Here is your ball."

The little one came to Vicky.He pinched his nose.Giving him back ball.He looked happy.But then went to Sirisha.She also kissed him.And took out chocolate.From her bag.Making him giggle.They were surprised to see.What baby boy did then.He went to Sirisha touching her tummy.As if patting her.Giving love to one inside her.Sirisha was touched by this.Vicky stood gazing at both.Adorables and the moment made his heart churn.

Adorables and the moment made his heart churn

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"Say thank you to Aunty.We will leave now.

By the way.You both make cute pair.When are you expecting.Your baby.Looks like girl.There is glow on your face.Best of luck."

As soon as lady left with baby.Sirisha and Vicky looked.At each other with.Surprise and word cute pair.Hit them hard.It was sort of like.They gulped down something.Bitter with a taste.They werent sure of.


Thank you for wishes.Comments and  tremendous support.In form of love.Good to know that.Some are looking forward to this.Book unlike how I thought.It would disappoint you.

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